Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 July 1941 — Weather Takes War Role [ARTICLE]
Weather Takes War Role
B<»BTON - Tl«-' |iliruM* iuīl-j lt«rj' sclenct»" !<;is n ni'w uml Jvci)er j In thls \var, according! to Oapt. Williaia W. Jones of Mos-j sachusetts Institut<j of Techn<>U»£y. j The geueral pae* of moderti war- j fare is seare<l to eeouoiuie produc- j tioa an<l adraaces- in scientific; kiiowledge, sa.vs <.'apt. Jo«<?s. who ; rev*eals that miliUry a\iatson ean- ; not aet independently o£ meter«l-, ogy. He qootes a high British autliority who sass: "The chipf of a l>omt»er connnari'3 lms t<> ho <*oncerne<3 first with mei t»*orolofry and swondl.v witli slrati «*>••*' I īn vle\v of thli4 m*w d« velopmenl |ln n>odern warfar;> iho anny ajr I f«iree turi»ed its enorj:i('s lo tlu> i>eri fection of u von\p?<i!'*» i»ett i t ;ri i)ep»rtDtenr mik! is tniint>sjī a ! full coiupltM»u i r.t of vsi>oi t weather I Por duty wlil! tlx> usiīitt«ry forofs. Men for this won- are f handpifke<l from eoliepe ulumni.
aH eome liljrhly rec.oiuiH<?iided and i m«flv sr<* Pf\l Beta Kapp*?- j Spcd.il i- <.arrit'jj , ont at of tlic n;iiioifs cngi s nwr!ng schtH>ls uud thc bt>iL iu fHlti!pnient ls provUleJ as iliejr ciore , )Tito their ara?y stat!ou.s. Nur īs tlie
nw hrun«>li of tl»e i««rvif« d«.«igne<.l . 5 .ii) Uit-ii&an;. 'i'Wi? wlll t-o *>ti iu or wa!*<uuo — lwiaust>. :ss- Cajit. J«uw (toii!ts out, old (leiieral Weutl*c-r is attavklut;.