Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 July 1941 — Indians Call Hitler "Mustache Smeller" [ARTICLE]

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Indians Call Hitler "Mustache Smeller"

SANTA I' K, N, M — "MUKlaiht> SmG}ler" aod "Gourd Chja" had be*tler vva;?h <belr bu*i>, for the Navajos and Apaches are ou the warpath. "Mustache Smeller," in the lingo of ihe Indians of the Southwest, is Adolf Hitler. **Gourd Chin" is Beriito Mussolini. They care little for the issues and iniemaiīonal aspects of the war, They're interested ouly m Hitler and Mussolini. Many are not waiting to he ealled up. but are volunteering. Among the Yolunteers was Duga-Chee-Bekis. The 80 year-old Navajo stalked into a selciive service reservation oti the reservation, voiced hia eontempt for dictators and announced i he would like to join the air corps, I He was rejeeted, but many of his ! !ribesmen are sei*ving in the :orces. | i T!h- Navajos niiniber more ihan 50-,

, m westera New Meiimo nor<heasteiH Arizona. Tliej' arej, I tbe largest uibe ia the uationi Jicariila Ai>aches aad the | Mescaiero Apaches, likewiae, &n- -, swered the dralt eail 100 per eeni, but unlike the Navajos, aoiie oi th« Apaches -was rejected because of physical haudicaps. Barnabe Naiehe, a grandson of one of Gt'rommo's war chiefs, was j amoue Lhe first to ieave the Mesca j i«ro reservation for Uie army. j "Not one young m&n has becn ? , eonseieutious objector or has objected to fighting;' Supt. A. E. Sto . ymr, ot the JicarQla rfiserratioii,, said. 1 l«na V!centf, 101-year-old Apacht j ecout who reputedly aided in th ] capture of U i frr»»dson to ro lnto (he army. ' "i tm iu favor of this draft foi J tt» Aiwehee and thlnk they shot:J" , j go it U»ir countrj tiecds th* m," h-