Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 July 1941 — Suez Control Cause Of War For Centuries [ARTICLE]
Suez Control Cause Of War For Centuries
2iEW YOKK. 4one 30 — The.v h«vt» Iwn fisr]nSnir over wntrol of the "Sum. <';inal" for IiIKH) years. The anoient wutrr\vay di»l uot euī Hie Tstlnuus of hul \vas u miuilni! fient»ra!l.v i-asi to west hpt'\reen the Nile ami ilu' cutrauco 6f the Gulf of SueK aml ihe Ued Sea. Iluring v-«\rioas fras 13SU R.C., Svu j z lnvs the ionuiuua yi u >vuter rOUiO AUii.\iUj. millii; l»e--twoeu 13uroi>o :iud ihe inieul» Al tUues it foll ini,o Uk-um- aLiā H.I oUier lioie? it uas lilu. Kea aud. lelo&eU as a miUt-ari meas-are, juat uj» loday, the Axls seek# 10 <.;ui tliis liritish 'Weline." I>igging tUe iirst i:aual is credited to an Xgsptiaii l ! baraulu iiu-mej-es 11. It \vus lie who is sui(l w have heUl tliq Hol>re\vs iu i.ai!UviLian»i he iuay lia\e usetl iheir triU&s as < lab>.r iu llie iii"ujevL I There is a iresii-\vuter eaiial uow ( iH'iween Oaiio aud Suez wiueli iu ( uuuiy j>laves follo\vs liie oriitiuai i ehannel dmiged oui 3,iWO ie<Lrs ! This nrsl oanal fell Lulo iU*repalt\ : anJ-7iH) yea(>■ later, (.(klil H.C." auo!thor \va* besu:i anel 120,'000 met! perislLeu in the uuUeiLak|ine, it \vas noi eompleieii. First ae't«al oonneelion whh llie Wiuers of | the Tled Sea was niatle some 300 ■years after tlūs. in -S5 15.C. Vp to th«t luiie there lia<l been a itorui£e ' T>ot ween Oie eanal iiini the se;i. * lii t?se ?Ui tVmury A,D.. wlien ' the 'Mov'rins rule<l tUe Cuhlph of r.aglidad ordered tlie eanal 'elosed 'o prevesu suppliet re;uhiu£ hiss enoin>es> lu Arabia. The Brilislv ' totlay niay be us-iixg tUe eanai iu ' Just this w:<y, to send sapi>Uo& uud ' \in ilie 5W Sea iiuo lrag Trati.
T0..!.-ivV \var i» llie "\vcslcru desor{" of aiui L}tnn is bciu« j 'vUigl;t v'u>r tcrrsloci pail is not so woU oxploro<l svs that of ilw cast but \vlūoh ( soiue das uii)" W dijvovoroO. to bo,:is fabulous. For tleui;hi\4 in lu\i;ui T.T\IIS WAS foU!Klosi rtoloUii U tn l?H- ctHitJ|Q B>C, Oriigiwalli ?t wns i;:hihhl B«piaice fvr liU \\ī£e. TVrt£V(*: I,- tt»o IUo pr,n i!Uf r-: thc uueieu; \vas Oj svuc» &Ih>Ul 13«? iuilct, to t"t\o C3roue» owe o£ the STO:ito>v 0»rOOk Oo'.OUĪOiH V\i4> iOUiivi iu i»SO )«a\ juivi v*uB ouoo & liou at,» o£ IJ.K\OOO i & fvr U» uui\etsiiīO!> nud jmo4i o«; >v hvv!. Xv)d;U U U a M*riU «vav-uat<si oo4scii l'UiU, wUUk potis to Ue lu Ib.t? P*tli o{ Uie UiO cbAttls.es! <# tfcl !&Wi c*uiurj.
I *ud «iunarj Afītxnufi |AiiuMUUj£ s?r\k« b<Hwxvn \'uUov\ 4K»rts «ut<l iho C>Aribl>o«iv «ud { i uu boUi ol Uw aad W *mt co&£u, lui . .Vuwrio* «uul» alUtou£h, ui lito >e«S(>U iiikiH» o\*?r &«\v! teuu r«i>iactHi «itK o(bor sbi|\&. , iUo{v i» uo pwr«e(f« tli»t tbe (ii« »C iAm Aiianiio mi£t)t noi oau:** <« fwiIHNC *iet»teth>» in vv.\\*tk o*rir»\>rj. iu W>sa v ro s \iofe I V«U*«J m*rtUius £ftvW* i*re «t <4w oiuiiūui v*ky iW o^ uC Ki«? Utt<> ,«u\l «hip4im£ m AmoH^n *» *U W\s>; ww s<* tfe* \*<ssols wiU t»e *sa4s»o\! txv f mt«e>viuw>iīo»n tru(fio. t for tYvlj\ii\W. , Ai*v«i.*»« V I SIV iu hiil *;>: i*- >*f Sls .< .;v . ■, ,-, v -• v i.f.'U tC'itv to o*rtj t** *&4 &»&ttikc *"" L "- ' ~ .;:v-;\s.S fv-; n. h r.t« or ,"*<«« Gl«rtiX;U «D* <mi«4 l &O&tfXTOUi All tfec Ammk** $ v\»UUiiiV» WV«iti l*ivu«k CU«USfetera %lm \smmm ti*t &u*sXm*Kita»m. īm On» 1 lam«e &»%& Jkmmksc*a iww «\t^so«M r <it«mcUb«*tafc U5 a*U* tlw *&**** i*K» s*M ihe X~*j Uxl *u,l tvf *»o*i c^uotrw« Rto*, V«fe«sstr^ ( as4 &**&**