Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 Iulai 1941 — More Exports Sent To Japan By Philippines [ARTICLE]
More Exports Sent To Japan By Philippines
MANII/A, Pliilip. — Although tlu; rntted lias- elauiiuKl elowu «port Heensing c<mttols on stratepio niaierials, tlif Pliilii>pincs i'onii nue to export such iuaterlals to. rountrJes otlirr than the Uuited State« f notabl.v to Japau. lt \vus re\ealt?d tl»ut iu some ctim»s. exiiorts «H' strateßic iuuteriuls were beiug iuade ou a,greater scaie | thau ever l>efore. ttlthpugh tUe pre- j vuiliug sUii»i>ing shortage i)resvima- i bly pieelmleii uuusua,U} large increasesi ii> tlie volume pt slilpuieuts. j Wliii'' \Vatihiuglou reports iuUl-| cated Uie L'oiuiuouweallli goveru-1 uioiu had slgniJiovi reaJiness U> pre- j veiit eei iaiu exi»ort . coruuiodUie« Iroiu ftilliug into potei\tialij- hostiic hamls, no speciik emhargo or eou-j trol ou auy uiaterial bas heen iui-i posed tlius £ar. J No Proof AvaiJaWe j Couimeuting on the possibility of j export coutruls on. strategie materi ; -1 ais, soiue loeal busi»ess eircles,, however, have not siguiiied aujr op- j position to export aud iu-j dicatious were tUat t|ie Oouiuion-, wealeh governiueut wpuld iwpose, them if anil as soou a§ llie Uulted $ Suues wauted tliem luiposed. t i remfttns Uie heavlest lui- ] porī«T of PlnHppinos g«>t>ils in F«r RHst. Tn ivcent months .īapau { has r>urclihses of Philippino ores. i>rincipally oopper aml, e>opvH»r <-«itnvutrate. troiv, v'hromlto n»ul In Jauuary an<S Fe-, hruary .lapan l>eeanie tlie lieaviestj l!mi>orter of Pliillppine base mnteri-. als. and houffht muoh niore of tliese. !produots than th<*_l?nitM States. ~ [ Exports of lmse~2Skrtals! to Japan | !ln Januarv and Februhry, aceord- ■ in? to tho luireaus of eensus atid ( had a total vat\ie of 'noo wWle thow to the Fnlted gtates , iwere wortli a Httle fnore tlian $C22,-, !ooa Tlie Uieul exportjS to lapan, 'in these two months greaOy exctH.\l-! |ed the montlily for imnal ( lrxports lu an<3 tS>4O, 1 Copra E*porti Fvt« f Heinp. svpra ine».Uble eoeo jn«t o?l are among proJ 'ucts normall,v importe<l by Jaiwu, 't»«t tn nwnt nvo"nth? s.hipmeuts of jroods to Japan hail t>een larg- | fCrjwt papers Blecl wUh the l>ujrent! of Īliat constg : o.oos of ,coods purchased by Jaj>&u w«r« in lt virtQ«lly was impogsilAe to 4eterjmlne wbetb er the pro<Jucts ultltu«teU reav*hetl t;ojtnsu.v or u»y otber Axls u&Uou& Attother ft»cī whieh has stlm v J |K(HvuUtto« tlie p»>s.3sblliU l'bil tual«rUl» dml> be j Axis countrtes is tbe cur imii «ottvit,v oC frel4bters | \ti F*r Ka«ern w*terSs I rhe SovM »te«mer Su»olui stud | ihe «eauie? Tawata i rv<-eutL.\ loaikni «. t»t*l of SjSSS j l*ie» of heui|> tt UaniU. Ttie sbu>«at«i liie Ui« eoujwstum>tu was K.obe*
; i > Th<n\ tht» vVHiitk'. |tMt v>»f Qu*k<rr K" j w>»rv for vhli '
j l»u i tW<t fttr«Uutv , | w**mk?r «rfeetx> Mrs. Iwuu, I»H ti««t ol<4 *lw#t" L | "VV4ū t«U «M liw old * jw*» tk* mam w*j.~ 1