Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 Iulai 1941 — Tahiti Called Isle Of Strife And War Pawn [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tahiti Called Isle Of Strife And War Pawn

€LEVK L A N i> Ohlo ~ Mrs. Hester Parsous, wlio went to Taliiti I several years sij;o \vith lier Jiusband j and twiii daugbters to get aww' j from the depression, lias returne<ii hojne after finding the islān<i "pa- j raālse" iuore tlmn she burgained for. WiUi the fnll of France, Tahiti heeanie a political maelstrotu wUli cf>ntrol of fhe j:overnment slvifting behveen Tu'liy sympatlilzers inul J the Froo Pmnh six tlmes in tlie j past eight month<, Mrs. Farsous sa!d. J She told of violent rioting ;\mong | the natlves and fre(iuent duellingj amonp the French on the lsland. j called eaeh other out and j settled their polUienl differences at; dawn with cold steel," she said. | Mrs. Parsons and lior 17-year-old • twin daughters, Peggy and Polly, | nre staylss wtth lu>r niother liero. . They arrived in San Frandsoo nfter j traveling 6,000 niiles in a «uall ] schooner. Difficult To Get Passage It took Mrs. Parsons unil lier daaghters alniost a year to find a ho«t tlmt wouhl take tliem to the United States. She sjiid ske helieves | her husb;ind wili have les.s troulile . tinding passage to this couutry be- j cause the deGaulle part.v now is in i control of tfee couatry. He iuteuds j to salt as soon as he ean settle his | bustness a*airs there. j Mrs. Parsons satd that French boats> wiiieh formerlj brought supplie« to Tahitt, no longer stop tliert The only suppiy boats now are of tlie British-owned Unlon line. slie added. "When the natlves realisea tlu\t the British boats weren't stoppiu£ at the isiand when the flag of oecupied Frauce was flj,lng they «iuiekli $«uQg over to Ute deOaul list colors. she said. i Mrs. Pamoua said the ghip ou whieh she trareiled carried full sall the voyase because the t«ngiu«« w«re "teuiperuieutal. anU jto save During the vojage r:ui Into tlie sail eml of u hurricane and latcr a Bhip Ov*r-Crowded j fiMp tliree more pas sea#ers than U Ua<d room for," Mrs. I'mnon* «*ML "Io addiUou we carried « eww of four tttd tor unkuowu rea«oii, 22 Tahitia« Oau wer* (Wppo®ed to lielp U»w ww but aidß't kuow otie c\»pe frot« auother. ' w«s oue of the tkuoers wiw to be ralu*W*, howsi>e adtled. "lle was tUe ehampioa dancer of th» Ulsmd aud «M»«le an eieeiient stewarU Wcausc I» wss m he u*ver spiiie\i a evt» iu Uie ix»u«hest Hi& work wa« i»adc very <lifficuU l*e-

fav w ciuub «v«t Uie pU ttoKi lb© K&lWy to Kh*ch tW i»4i dtt»rtsis," I r*t«o&s U>oksJtorwm«4 fa> n? | mtutag te»chiug iu thto <s»«u jtrju Slw tutoi*U twu- 4&u«hSers duii« j«nh> tlm 6msllf llaahl |Ut T«IUtL. ooT«rifis li» 1 eaaivaiout uf j jwi« of i>uMk »ckatril wt«rk. jTli«> wUi b* gr»du*usl frwui hytfc tkte jN*r. i