Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 8, 18 Iune 1941 — Warm Springs And Infantile Paralysis [ARTICLE]
Warm Springs And Infantile Paralysis
,vesir li)4U of tlie Georgia. Warm i Sprlngs< Fouiidatiuti we learn that tliis fouudatioti aiid the Naiioual Fouudation for InfH.ntUe raralysls t Ine. are two eutirely separaie aud distiDLt foundations, The Natioaal Foondation wa& t-reated because oi tbe experieoce! gaioed from the work done at Georgia Wariii Springs Fouiidutioii. j The iatter lias conducted au insti- ' turion at Wanu Springs sinoe 1927! ! for the treatment of childrea and ad«lts who are 6uffering from tlie aher-effects of infantile paralysis. The Natioual for iiiiantih? rarnlysis. Ine., attacks the whole jiroblens of infamile paraijsis througii virus re«earoh, tiutrSti«mal researoh. after-effeetB reoiiide!iilc nld and study, and education.
19H7, GWann ■ Sj>riags Foutidatiuu ha* tec<*!ved no ' i»art vf the prv»c«»<!« of an} līirth--4ay QeiebmUuii. Siuce tbat Ua>%, aud witli the ton.ssfiit ot tlie Geor-
«in Wanu Bpriujjs Fou»datSoD, tbe | iaaā raiBing aciivities for TicUms paralyhlft. lbrvus;h ttoe |u»edi\Hu or Bmhflay Celebratloas jhave been iu t!ie hanvi*< «f the Ka |tioiuii Foun<i«fioo, THe Boartj of |Trustws vī \lk> Nu?iotuU FoUivdn
liew «ppropriated in the year eoil j etf Se|>teiai>er 30, 1?W0 llie su»i otj to etiable tieorgia Wanai j svriujg& jfouutlaUvpi iu iueet Us ose- ■ JLUliti£ costs, , i Tiie i»resiiieut"s liirLh<lai' Piirties, itave sross«d £ryui 1934 through um & touil of $7,145,t103.ia. Oi or « iittle over 44.%. h*s remaiaed io th« couto;miiUes |n, «•hieh U wss 51,407 5 3T(2.£l , hns l>een $iven to t!ie <Jf\»cgta | Wann F<*oiuUiUoo. all \ī , ihis s«m go!iig io theiu In ibe years |tl»4 thrt>u«h mlī. Gtveu u» the ,t t r«sldentV (u 1 \īBB w lig n*><m *.>r 3.31% of |total raissed. To the Natioi«tf T<*m- [ «!stioTJ for lnfanin*> Paratr&is Uks 'wenl 51.7«3: of tot«l of ftjnds eolleew $2.2<W5.-$S > Ttw» pwipeme« of the Wat3ii Fonndaiioa are vaīoe«s pw?»sSRitty at 93J53.195.31 and the tt>ltaJ ass*ts &l H,800.29c5.1l 1 rrtm» 1911 throngh 1940 mth a |«W!Str of l« p»tlents Id r*sideuce I rfce BUBibef »sins the Warm {>n>iwriief totalea 1.5*51 ln lu«n <WJt-pMfeflt <-U6!c V|ssts «ew lsaiii?letl Of a ot lC6?i BS4 %e»i haa«Jed free, SS2 «T«f jv*s<S \n fun. | UeorgiA fumSsJi*H! Ute |Otitftber 'tort «econd *tUi 542, lU'mols Sn3 IwUh 79. Hawail haiī oae. Germa
er wߣrttate* 0 and EnglaDd l. Ca uada 28. The arera«e n«mher of patlent« pef Sajr U 81 and the aver age ieagtli of stay of palieala at Wam Springs 1r43 roonths. 1938, 50% of tbe nn pro<eeds ut al! Birthdaj haa heen left in the <-oontle« where rai>ēU anti the remaiain£ 50% bas g«ue to <be >faihmal roundati<Mi for iflfantile Paraljrsis.