Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 8, 18 Iune 1941 — News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys [ARTICLE]
News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys
(Written Henrietta Laeha) Kameliameha Schoois, Honoiulu - lionoi- roII students have heeii annouaced by Miss Mabe! Catlin, t.vpin<r teaclier of the Kamehameha scliooi for giris. These girls are from the B division of the ninth gratle. This was their tirst year in taking typing and īhe girls were judged by having less than five errors in a ten-minute test, Vesta Parker was tlie only to make 40-45 \vords per mimite, rating next was Lorraine Nahalea who made 35-39 words per minute. tiirls .making hetween 30-34 worfls : per minuīe were Ethelwyn Chun- . Iloon, Ho)t, and Frances Kupau. Four girls made n rating of 25-2i> words per iniuute. Thej' are Ai'liue Akina, Flora Beanier, Eiohe Eenliam and Clara Brito.
Kiimeluunelui Schools, Honolulu —Jlouib«rs of the aluinni and aluinnae of tlie Kaiuehameha t?chools are givinjī a dinner ;it Lau Yee Chai iu honor of the present sonīor class ot the Kamehameha Schools. This dinuer be held on May 2(>. Seniors who \rere invited to this dinner are Bertihardt Alama, Reuben Anderson, Moses Burrows, Robert Douglas, Letwell Duvachelle, Gilhert Ellis, Rohert Fountain. Sitas Hoopii, Edward Horner. Goorge Kaeha, John Kaina, Robert Kam, William Kamahele, Charles Liu, Earle Maile, Alfred Miyamoto, Tohn Pekelo, Herbert \Varner, Tai Choy Ylm. Harry Akahane, Benjamin Akana, William Amona. lloy Benliam, John Desha, 01iver Evenson, Thooias Freenian, .Tames Gcmard, OHney Hoopai, Smitli Keokanui, Hei'inan Ludloff, William Gliveira, Albert Pelayo, Charles Robinson, Wai Wing Seto, Alvin Shim. Cliaries Townsend, Leopold Waiau, Fred Williamsoii, Edmund Toung. THulaoi 3ŌacDonald, Franees AtanA. Francis Jelf, Mabel Rodri|rues. Godfreida Hatori, Momi Awana. Pillani Clark, Josephine Keanoano, Tiolet Palama, Marjorle Morrls. Laola Hiranalvt\, Louise Federcell. Ethel Chang, Ellen Miller, Emelia Kaopua, Charlotte Kunane, Winona Beamer, Tearl Tim. Marie ChungHoon. Queenie Kaaihili, Hazel Chalmers. Jennie Stewart and Elvin Linsey. Thes<> seniors will graduate on M«j- 30, 3n the autHtorium of the Kamehameha Schools on He!ght>: at 4 :30 p.m.
<Wrlteen by Marlan Lake) Kamehameha Prhool for Girts instr«ctors of the past yenr ?[>cn<!!ng the suj«mer on the mainlanil itv Mrs. Mi\rgftret R/ir<l\voll, maartvi M<Mogy lnstructor, who wUI make her homo pemian?ntlv at t«\vlstown, Mont.: Mlss Evelj'n Ertekson, art instruotor. who will travel anfl stiidy thls oom ing year : Miss llaaol M. 01ds. phyfiical e*Juoation tnstructor, who wlll vt«!t her parents in Nehraska: Miss Vlrgtnia Gentry, senior home man ! asrement oottage suporvtsor, who| wiH visit her home 5n Missoari;! Mrs. £arah Henderson, sew!ng In-! struetor, wlio will vislt In Caīlfor-! nia ; Miss Evangeline Marshall, tlie-1 titian and home eeōnomles instrni*-, tor: Mrs, Rista M(M>re and Mrs .E. ! Mfitson. hottsemothers, ! ' - i
(Written by Norman WoMhi?!) Sorjreant ,Toseph Paniels suhi Ca<iot rrivatos Howanl Benhain :• n<l llowanl Cri.«!« eaeh rev'elved an awar«l for T.x?ing tho best Uivss4t'ū l:ist y«'ar, froni I.iouteuant CoU>nel CarlisU> B. WSUors. I>rt»fe«s(ir of jniHtury soionee atiil tai*tios of 11>f Kamolianiolm Hoii. Ca<h't >>orgoui!t PanloU is Compun.\ \ asii? K a montVr of tho juaior ( x a»U't rrivato TRon ham i« !m tho so|'hojrniii> olas< is a j>rodi! 4 't of eonipain C. Cai.l« v t TrSvato Crs!ss !vprosor,tv rtrst >on; pany an«l is a pnpi! in ?he ninih ervi<le MomlK'rv of tho Ht Y c'ul> sī tho K.Hinoliāiiiehii S,ln>ol for Tloj s hoVi an evr«ing lawn i 4 ;ir;y reoentl\ ;it UiO !>chool for girl? A!t girls fr«m the Juntor . Us« h few ftv«n tW w>j>hometY sju* so nivi t !am'> woro 3nvu«\l <»uo«tN at thtf f\tnotU>n tn<'Ut«V<3 Mr. Torii % a<Vvlsor of īlio oUil» aml also an ln«truvtor st tho j>iel>ooi ftn- N*y? s Mr. hpil Mrs> ,Tohn W, Leah\ s jvaronts of Mr sn«! Mr. MlUon "fi. «M-'ollhe glrts 4 junlor
| (Written Fred f^attson) | GraOuutiug thi.s sunmier from |San Jose State oollego are Kicliard j tvoi)£, llenry atul Ed. j vvarU Vasooncollos;, grailuates of jthe Kauiehameha Sohool for boys. j likUard Kong is grailuatiug as a j luoīogu'al i»ciouco n»ijor. and l>oth t Me»i\ au\i K\iv,ar4 VusoouoeUo>; ;art> KMUuni i!>ji as i»hysi\ al o*Uvou |tUm iuHjoi>, liiohut\l K\Wig is tv jiuruing (o the islaiuis to sorvo n |t*?rdl (t\ Uh? l'ntted States Anny. | Alsso i>eturtnus fr«>in San .Toso jthis sumtner are Anthony Puarto, lVroy Tun. TTerhort TTus<oy. f!(vrjre Ra;;e!!\ and Walter Ohanp:. All aro*
cr;'nV,]aios of tV K;mi"T\atVOl>.n _ Svhoois. lV.rr\ T'ur. ane! Ant>iony aiv \'-nh un\jorlngln ;\rts. '' TTerVio!-t TTttssoy ?s maJortnjf !tt tn «rt£ :U\v! ;Uv Ot<vtrtoa! ' <vwr>iv, TtP ts *t«w Hi!nortng tn 1 !ivj4 ;unl ong!»UW C*liflu£ ta*l»s aM- . ,ourso In tnttuslr!.'i! arl< t',> B i-..ajv>rtr.g !n tfraf!tn£ ;<n.! m! iu>r'.nn 5» o'<v!rio sti<t \vswt\vorts | iVotv l*;»rtol«i ts t.aVtnt: « v.ntr!s.'' iii riv!l ? The hoys oxj> <-t to> rct»n> to &;:•>' Jo<c n<»\t i'oar «<vpt TU v rfcort īTvu | -m>\ \vt\o nuij Vt> hsto X\\c \rr.tv ! (Wr 't**n b> B«n K*ntfū\<&»») J JvOj v , H tv.o!\ of ',»!0 rUss \ &: oUvU>3 cbak;mir. of iV: U Vi i Ot»t 0 f j S. luk-: * '' Poj s PeooiU^. Tho vhst\ llio <JUinn;m 1% to oihm-. t*=o flrit .u«v<hi& of iho 11 ut Olwi for iwxt. \o:ir t T \\totch tW of ttiO . 5 0 O V c!<Vto.! f.-r tv \o«r "41 l 4t 1
j <Written by Benjkmin Willia/ns) | Kumelnuueha SolwoU, TUe iiupoejUiu disiinciious ol rol)nesiu» oia I ioeii \voro h\ a seiiior iee-' I imv ai tho Kameliaiueha Schoois by Uouaoi Can- of the jof Hawaii. I>r. Carr, aa ,authority , ,ou roi;>ues»iau lau£uages, als?ō j mas',ored Frouch, Oenuau, Dutch, ■ ( uud is a,ttaiuiug tuasterv : jin l'oriuguese aad, Spanish. ] j li īs l>t'UevoU Ut*u ouve in hi*to , Iry Uie Austrouesi«aji one I whieh \vas acoei)te<J by nU^roui>s,l j w*u» ihe \>aly «iiaieel of Us> kin<i ] , fe t i-cc..iaut, as fai Foruiosa auOL |Mailagascar. Soon begau the sei>«-1 jiaiiou oi <iittorem groups into In-: ūoue»ia» roiyuesia, iinJ ; 4 Molanasia. TUis j}r&dual gplit as| ji-xi)iained i!i I>r. Carr, \vas v*a.as<?\l; ,kv (heir forcitij£ tu>oii • ,i' : 0.-o ;iin\rom ijroui'S ihe wece&sils f ,o: hu\ttu; uua ae\eloi s iug a particu- . f i..r iaii«udsc f>>r thoir ieea'e, , , i'lie i.'elynesiau is cio.se- j jiy iinked wiih that of Me!anag.ia. | /iiio r.'Une>iatt group inclu<3eg the' Maoris, tiai.>, otc. urauiiuar of N -''iiiiai- u> the three otlierji«Y>ui>>«! ( M t"a,-r MateJ. ( Of ;V;e rolyuesnu\ $rou4> tho ' .! .0.,!'..- aiv the pr\>ttfei of alt tc'a to l raoo;» iluo to the fact that Ihei | 'Ww oiho!- oriiiuato.l' (1.0 ?;vmoau $kleet, |% . ( <">ut>*Vu'ivo£ \arlatWus lu dtaiOct>. , to leari\ h. '.'u' Hawalian. tf eUher fc of! tho, h iua«-tetvO iho h. N :;nwi-.g of Uk' ro\j Ues>i«li j ;»re tovv, |
(Wr;tlen Zs*m£ Wtko>) j for ttw tututx >'* i'H- Katucbauiclm, scb<vls \\erv» > ..os,- t s \vc«l. Tlsc eW**j .uv MUs' "M. OKb, ! ;uM>or, Mr. S . ;?t.*w, V** a\M«6t T'.s fn.ocr& sife īolk'w . TV,<j . t o\x rh*o4 tQj ]krQm fttnsliu ! ivotv. , Kau aul' Kekauoha, ' rvM\at\^4. s a«<s TMA< Otss»j Tt\c vV«ncīSs\.t H, Vt!w;;u*o P-00-n .;. !.olh\ \Hc o? :.?n.v nu«lawu\H\<| tVtr $> au' t\ffKvr* \»ul ta offlv-e»-, j