Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 8, 18 June 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
HILQ, HAWAII, T. H,, POAKOLU. lUNF 18, 1941 "
o4£ana'ta Jh <J4oa£aata il Ka «Cakut <Hau>ait STAR OF HAWAIf (Printed in Eng!ish and Hawaiian)
No 8
The Star of Hawaii ia publisbed in the lnterefits of the Hawalian people with a view of promoting gOO<iwlll and preserving tbe language and tradl- - of the Hawaiian people.
Vol. XXXVI, No. 8
Pubi»hed and pepcated to ihe HawMian "eople
• HILO, HAWAII, T. WEDNESDAY, 3UNE 18, 1941 i ' V * . 1 ' ■ ■ ■ - s
la Um *B*m )utw O» b«ntt « «k* you&s»r «ea»i«Btm. mafijr of «%om 4o »ot r<rid of their fior«fetfeera, a&d oer C&oca-