Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 7, 11 Iune 1941 — New Food-Drug Act Now Law [ARTICLE]
New Food-Drug Act Now Law
<;reitu>r pmieaūm far ll&wnll cimswners asalnst la)se a<Jrertislng of foo<l un<l drugfe, agatust ltapi»per iabeling, aud In tbe of bulk foods is prc»vided by uew fo«>d, drug anil eosn>itks a<rt, lt was stated last \vwSt."bj M. li. Hairo,s. djrfttor of t)>e" hoard of heHith's' taraiii of imre lood <3rusN Xi»e toiii a Ihw May 2> wfwtj (t w»s fsgT>r<i bv (k>vernt>r I*olnde:der. piing into ?ffect limue- -• A» &apori&iit stx-u«a <<f ihe d*»w I«mi. acct»rdūvg lo Mr. Bairus, ls lbe prohll»itioii t»f advertising of uny drugu, ur device» <piaimipjito haye «afeet upon di;<eas«>s sueh as c&neer, tubercuioī-i.s dialM?xes,, dipbthena v tumor and otbers. The law problbits any typc of adrerUsing for h products, (Hber pro\tsions tlial wīl! lmve *ci<&e t<K*i «er<wt, «au?> m tiw. iweUon d*Mt)ing wKii Utv KtW* of t>ulk ft»ods. Tfe« aew provldes that fettik t«od «eeh as «tDdī, drieu «nUUi, vegetaH!es must l>e f*fM»rkagiHl iu contaiuer< tlvat are M««pcriy tabeled or must be paok r*««i tfom tbe orlgio«U coataiKer, iprapnriy iabeted. in the pre*en.-e of pareh*ser. f ■ Ttor anr r«salations in regnrd to >ta.beiiDK of ftK>ds and dnigs> wili es !t*o«ireiy affeci kK-al iudustriee aea i>roducts such berera®ess pt*L ielilie«> candies, bread i«iml pestries. LatMs on aU tb«se ma&l have tte naiue ef thc its iiii:rvi!li'WN. Vn.-sj3u, [«ad th« na&tē of tlse suanufdctutvr, I fMtffc*r or dlstrihutor. i Altw Mc, ts«w ī*rti«a stVi% t\Mt& ?jssp^tors the right to (xvnden»n dnic?t or ftn>si - • ■>.
hh»! Hwt,v lmre l>w?3 havt«c t»> «how lhst ttw : <w4 ! I%* w* !gtp 15 mo&M afler Lbe fcKKI sssitī \irr\f a.cī utt! f<M">d. dtus ud c«js* 'nwMU' Mr '.fcrv>Q£h<>Bt tW 1