Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 7, 11 June 1941 — News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys [ARTICLE]

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News From Kamehameha Schools For Girls And Boys

(Written by Earl Robinsor») In thi? final parade of the Kuiuelianieha Sihoos hattalion. whieh was hel<l ree«mtly,- tlio following mvards were won: The Kamehaiueha RC>TC* trophy and ptnnant weie won by Couipany H wltli a totul of 184 polnts in ooui[i!irisou to the 181 polnts of C eompany. lu the plaloon eompetstion, Cadet Captain Wai \Ving Seto of t'onipany plaoeel first, followed by A eoinpany umler Cadet Captaln Herbert \Varner. I ' Cadet Corporal Carl Bode of B i ompany veeei\ed the Wiekiaan me. (iai lor lirst piaoe in the squad fomtition, with Cadet Corporal Ilenry Kahanu and his «quad of A 'onip.my t;ikiii}; weoiul plaoe. | For th<> ūrsl-yeur dri)l-down. Caiei I'rivnte Ajī)ir\l of Oouipaiiy C \vas awarded the Chamher of | iViniiii'rce niedal for Hrst plaee. In ; second p'aoe svas Cadet Private Ar. i ?hur Fnzsiiimtons of Coinpany A, ( \vitli Cadet Private Curtis Kaniai of B fompany 'reeeiving the red-rilihon ! for third plaee. C-»ler Flrst-St'rf:ejiiit Thomas Freeiuun of B conipany was awarūed tbe VV. 0. Smith niedal for plaeiirst in the open lndividufll drill-down. In second plaee was Cadet Corporul Calvin Ontai of Company B, while Cadet Sergeant .To•seph I)aniels of A eoinpany scored for third plaee. Wiuning the Rish<ip uiediTl for high-iiulivl<iual scoring in tho rifle īeam was Cadet Corporal Albert MaeDo»aUT. He also won n goldtue<lal for high-ind)\idual sooring. RiHe-niarfonianship me<hils were the f<'K<uvīnjr Kiemherg of the Kamehameha rifte-team: Albert MacDonald, Rk-hard Bhiisdell, <'aJvin Ontas, Loui* Agard, George Kaeha, Fre(lerlok Kaiuaka, Albert relayo, Leopoia Waiau, Heuhen Anderson, John Sahey, Bruce Jackson, Ilerbert īleu, and Joseph DanJels. Letters for the K.S.G, sponsors were also presented at this final pa- j rade to the following girls: Cliarlotte Kunane, Elaine Hainie, Anna Morris, Elleu Miller, Marie ChungHoon, and Amy Miller. (Written by Jame« Cockett) Thirty-five students of the tentli «rade rec-eived their pro-inarksman ntedals at Ka.inehanieha Schools. They were the rifle meu of the tenth grade wlio did exceptlonally well during the shoottug sed«oo under the directlons of Lt. Col. C. B. Wilson and Sergeaut Aarou Jortli, Thrw uieinbers of the tentli grade were of the rlfle teaui; they were Frederick Kainuka, Bruce Jackson and Bari{)W Chu. The students who received tlve pro-marksman m<Hlats were iruro.l<J Aiona, CtMrge Baker, James Cockett, Vorunar Crabhe, Fredrlck Kamaka, I>iiniet lliyhland, Josepli Kahaunaele, Robert Pila, Eari Robinsou, Josoph Kane, Alcsunder Theone, James Wallaee, Earl Femande*, Ed\vard Wllct)x, Clarence Self, WiHiiuu Silva, Kverett Kinney, Timothy Au, Francis Cameron 4 Howard Benhaui, jßarlow Chu, Curtis! Kamal, Elded Kaloheiaui, Peten?on, WiUiam Puniwai, Beoja- ] min Kauahikaua, John KalUi, Bruce| Jackson. Ro\vland Melim, Thomas| Chung, Rolatid Sing, Xorniao Ko^e'. hlll. Duiu'an Th<Mup>ou, Archihald J t«v ī!oy and I.e Roy I>urtle. j (Written by M«nrt«tta Laeh*} j Kameiianieha Sehi>ol for C«lris, ■ Honolulu. M«y C (Sj»e<ial)~Sum tnlnjr up {he activties done hy the! tlirl Keserves of the Kaniehameha' for C\lrts. it sho\vs that this past year has Iwn otie of full ac-j, tttily «nd fun. I,

Hm» attfnspted I\v ihe ; Olr! Re*erves » ivs llie ja»i aiul jt v !l v The jasii ai>d jeS!y were m«de ont of jeuavas anj water ftjrs. many ortli>rs l»elnji r*w! \*m! Ttu 4 Glrt Keserve* pUihk! v<»ry niuoli t*y <W S projet t hoih tn tnom»j «»0 es Thp novt prx>),>o< was that of cr#fts, like purs*s, lapel&, bpāwtets muī !m*Us wcre maJe, The »fn> maile out of uatura? <>r i*d raff^M. iho tw>Us madi l <?! red, hlup #n«l preen »tr{&t, hmc«tet£ wb<lp of meul. and th« IrjhH «- ■ >nrt<T<» of oniahionleO se«ther. TKns« vere ni«tle for « cause f«»r !!HVvt of th*-m wn» gtvett aw&y :t« t*hri*tmß>t prt»*nt« fvr il»i! f»>!atUt v s ' At wwr&! ef mtvtUigs, ***** *v«mv h*vtug te<U'to?« #*«Ht th<* t.\V 0 .1. prw>eut tt> !«ach th* Als«> <»utslvle ' wm < j

The next event was the success , of a party, whieh was held on the| girls' schooi campus and boys fh>in ! the boys' sohool \vere iuvited Sports were played indoor§ and ont. doors, and the latter part of the evening was spent in danclng. Auother reL-ent eveut whieli oecurred to the (Jiri Reserves was the week-end hekl down at Halekipu eainp, whioh belongs to the Y.W.C.A. The Girl goouts were guests at thi» \veek-end and both clubs worked together in all activities. On Sa turday evening there was a luau prepared hy tlie cabinet memliers of both the Girl Scouts and Girt Eeserves. It was a great success and the iatter part of the evening was spent iu playing games and dancing. Most of tlie time during the week-end was spent in cwinnnlng. jhiking, eatiug and sleeping. Most lof ihe girl»> when returning to school run to tlie scale to see how t many pounds tliey had gained. IMauy sa\v the increas<' from 1 to 7 jpounds. In si>ite of the increa'ie In |w<!i>!iit, the glrls still look happy (ttud joyfnl. j At prmml the CJirl Uoserves are jdoing some interior deo>ration for j tlieir <iub i-ooni. Cui'tains are hp|ing nmde of huiiap l>agx. trimnied jon the top and bottoni with red, ,yeliow and greeu yarn. The fiaps, i whleh are tnrned down at the top are frlngeō. The seats arr also hēing made over, and tliey are heln<r' recovered with l>uriap materlāt. They are ftlso repainted with red, yelluw and green, so as to match the curtains in color Pehenie. This burlap mtjterial pro\es to be very satisfactory for the u>e of tlie nirl Reserves. Cirls who inade up the cahlnet of the Oirl Reserves elui» are Pcarl . Yiin presideut; Anna Morris, vlee- i president; Dorothy Lemon, se<*re- ! tary ; Iris .Tohnson, treasuror; Klea- ] nor Mansfield, program; Portsa! Tim, rūig aiul p«WicUy; ītosemary | Cijaliner!?, eawp and conference; Leah Needhaiu, service; T,aola Hl- ] ran«ka, iwter-<*l\lh; Dorthefi DsSir, 1 puhlie affairs; and Mih3red M«£pl-] oug, muslc. ] Girls who make ui> the Girl Tte- ] serve ctul> are Katlierine Fltzsun- ] mons, Juiiet Ferrelm, Lindley Bed-! i dow, Rose Williams, Ēleahpr Mans- ] fie!d, Stella Cockett, Rhoda Ann j Holt. Bernice Hunt, Aliee Goo, Ivy J Keanoano, Hannah Ho, Patsy Fe- ] dercell, Wlnona Ing, Xuana For- - sythe, Pearl Morrlson, Audrey Mae-1 Donald, Pauline Mossman aud Henrietta Laeha. Miss Ha*el M%rie Olds, physical education instructor, is the adviser «f this elub. <Wrttt«n by Arthur Ooo) T!ie Kamehamena Sc1h»oI for IH-Y oluh had as lts guest ] spt*aker Mr. LesHe Ek'helberj;er 4 boys work secretary of tho Tl<niolu-' !u Y.M.C.A. I He informally discussed with hte ' f!!-Y students the new project' vrh!ch is nationally t>eing taken up by Hi-Y clubs in Auierica. Tliis! pr<>ject i> divided into thrc-e parts. and eaeh high schwl ean partici-! t»ate hv oontrlhoting to otie of the' fol?owing proJects: (1) YTorld Ser\ice Futid for Hi-Y work in South ! Amerīea wliieh is situilar to the ] Gno(J N"eighbor Poltcy but this is to Ihelp only in TTI-Y ciubs so that they jmay Uike active parf In Hi-Y af ' ]falrs. (2) Prisoners of "War Kelicf! whioh a plan to aid iū\ Allied pri '

| > v onors 5n Oemian coiux>i)tmUon >\y\ā npnnan i>H<<:otters Ju Ca Jttrt<!!an 4 auii»? by Oiom food. i oUMMnp ;vn<! oth<»r neoessltios, (3) ; | Ch!npsi> ?tuctciit ReUef, a U' l*ua a»u«se stu»ieats iu ueed of Hu to eouipkae scluH)Uuu so Uiat j imi\ iu retaru be of great hoii' j u» eUuiu iu tlnf future. I Mr. Kicittjlberger «Uied that vaI rious club» iu Uoaolulu bavt? aircu itlj' ou Uus w«rk au«jl Uo «u\>uragiivg tbe K.S.H. Hi T dul> to Uo iu j>art.

, <Wr«U*n fe* Ciini«n B>e) | Tht' uk<sulhm's of Uii; Vt',,SvU U undor thc U;#iruvuuu llr. lHu«id 3kīltclivil, svictKv jtt>«cher ai ihe Ka«n i h«uieha $vliooi |for n,u s», nveml4 ihe piam ( m( thc llAwuiian Tima r*vkv.'j> wiu ( i*au,\ as oue oi Uxelc £k>i<i lrtps iu ooimeeiiou wkii Ui«ir *0.rL..1u cuss. I t'i)oa urriYius «i iUe \\vro iir<.\tv\i h$ īk 4 tt<eUki & ! wae Ml thc fruiH!i- Mu^U'UU i ! ' the Kameliaiui»lm SciuMi lai H"\s. w!u> is »<>w Viujy»lui eJ at Ihe viii.uety Mr. .V\vaua is wv\rkiu£ a» iō.- lu>u!k> v.L t lc he is uoi oui ou boals &*Uus. 1U- ihe sJ.udeutt Utrs.>vnh tW rkssu W then> tho v;<rk»us i»ha.s4;s vti*l U>< mua ujusl go thr>>u£h W!orv u ls for eatmlft£, 1