Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 6, 4 June 1941 — Sinking Steels Navy Recruits From Canda [ARTICLE]

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Sinking Steels Navy Recruits From Canda

„ , By BBIAN A« ĪOBIN . AN E.ASjrE.kN eANAHIAN' Arjß)ēd nie]f<.-Jiiant cruisers ,whieli patxul Uie Nurth Atlantic Ls "not bad at all," a<>cording to yo\ing Caoadians who have to luan tfaese Eoyal Navy ships. And sailors of the ill-fated RaJputana, recently sunk by two Germfkn torpedo«s, shoulrt know ,for they've ?eeft the best and tiie worst of navy life at sea. Thls correspondent talked to a £TOBP of tliem whlle tliev waite«J restlessl.v to begin tlieir "survīvor's leave." They were part of tlie Canadlan group of 12 officers and 20 men resc\ie<l when their shlp went dowa wiih guns still llrinjr in & dawn attack, Tbe Canadian ratings ;iboard were all stolters, Brst cl«ss, "Rov»tjiUe on the arme<l merohftsit cruisers ls Ihe same as on otlier aavy ships," F. Ineson ,oC ToroiUo, explained. "We stand watch four hoars oo and eight off. In our free tlme we sleep, &ud niend clothes, or spend some time in tlie recreation room." Had Band "The Rajputana had a Kood recreaUoa rooBa," said J. D)dfson. also frojuft T<Jronto. "W<i, used to pluj da«s and tab!e tennis. There was a plano» too» and some of the fellows got up a bsnd with a guitai and jßouthorgans. We played tombola» too. That's the only gi«nhUng Rsme aliowed in tbe navy." "There was a «ood libracy ou tli€ ship," EL Fisher of Toronto said **They had a pretty good selectioii ot books." Only a small i>art of the Britisli crew of 340, the young Canadiaus maoj of them at sea for the firsi found their Baglish shipnial:es "a mi#hty good crowd." were d@cent to us>" Dick

|son saSdL "Soa»e ©f fel!ows ) woaW give you ttee siiirt oft Oi«?ir j back." i A few of il»e Cauadians had an j opportuaity to repaj saiue of that | goo<l-wiU wbeii the torpedoes jstruck. j Sioi«- T. SheppandL of Catxliguii, jrjSkL, U tta.seett of Wiadsor» Oiu., jattd C WarXord. of Sidne.v, X. s„ w«ot beiow wliile water aud oit pourthl iuto. Uie «isioe room aud rosc«ed two 12ngii.sli gr*sts«sr&. Oiie |i*ter dt«<l ia ho^pU&i. | >k Ti>ey weee coT«ced Lu Ueaw ni |SkeepanJ related. "I got so&ked ?u

■il an<l vtafpr trv)ng to i\?aoh them. >ut tlwy n«arly drowned in it We 'elt t"he sMp llstlng badly, and attbiether lt wasn't a healthy plaee >etow thfere." At Po«t» $ MĪnute« Stoker G, Torgeoq of. Qpebec CltyaīsQ had a taste of llfe ;he waterline in a sjnlcine sliip. H« re-as one of the CanadlftßS on dufy. when the flrst torpe<io strQck. staved on āt oat foi>s for iboat five minutes, and then were" ordered ai)Ove, H Tutgeon' sa ! ld. ''Nobody waited for a sectmd eal!, I ean tell you, but there was no panle. In fact, everything went off as fhough «•e*d heen praotWng ī't all our llves. M There is nobody "oTF dnty" when action stations sounss.Men not at their regular posts form flre parties, hand up ammnnKion, or help wlth ftrst aid, The whole ship flKhts. The Rajputana was noted for her w action statsons rt driU, these sallors told me. Toong Jn tie navy, they are already old its tr«ditione. First considerfttion now ls that leave. Then—"Why, sure. weMl anotber sliip. Who'd want to stay ashore! w

Forms to be nsed in adwinlstering the oath of alleglanee to more than 6,000 territoria] employes have been printed and are now belng d!s. trihnted. All territorlal, _<Ity and county emj7loyes in the territory uiust before Jaiy lst of thls year take the oath of allegianoe to the rnited States or forfett their johs, accordi»g to the law. Scliool teachers will flrst be a<s conwnodated due to the fact that school has only another two weefcs before vaeation aarts. Others wUI iniiaediately foilow.