Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 5, 28 May 1941 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 ■■ ■- j | j Attention, Kauai Hawaibtos! i We toke pieMure in announcing ; H. P. CHWG | F. O. Bo* 397 Kapaa, Keual iuta bcen «ppointed as our autboxiaed agenf for i Kanai. He is aufhorize<l to take sul»Kripilofli acd c«f!ieet m<mey for us. Anj courteaie« exlcnded him wIT! Iwe greally appreciaied !bj ilie puhlūken Ka Hoku 0 Hawau P• O. Rox 1004 HilO| Hawaii ATTENTIO«! . .. . . .. . tjrtrt eopie» of Ka Hoku 0 cah &ow be f |wrpelta«edl at (h« «torc af iLe ! . INTER-ISLAND DRUG CO. i Wmhu, Maui ;i < ® this ne*'?paper is uow ou aale evcrj week, | al Sc per c»p) . 'l' '