Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 5, 28 Mei 1941 — Mainland To Be Treated To Latest Color Movies [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mainland To Be Treated To Latest Color Movies

r , ~ * 14 * nwre liiun 5,w0 €©io* movie plctur«B aud iimi(iredfc of color sl3des of Hawaii wUL hixxi, Jame9 Sawders, world travel.ler, who Ms heen Ui tbe territory for U»e past tw« moiuho, leaves todaj on the for the niainla«d. Major Sawders eame to Hawali to p*eseßt a sserles of lectures at the Dntyerslty of Hawaii about Soutfc | Amerīea, and wblle bere gathered |materia! for a lecture about Hawaii

Ito be prettented ©a ti»e Uiai»laod |«to f«r. j H|s eolor ißovies and stills In idude» ia ad4ltton to &eeaic riesrs o* |aR tbe Isāands, Uie Lei Daj page[a«ts ai the i ity hall aud at the Unl f of lßtawait, life on tbe Uui<vers!t,v eampue, tUe >T*£ar aiid ple<f|aj[>ple iudustriesi fisbiO£ ie Hawnj>. al i'arker Eaaeh, &Qd Ihe |flower show. j ()ften called ."the hl«torLaa wiih ia «m»era.*' Maj. I?awders has train(o far eornerß of Uie elc-be, tarifl Ms 3tiymeys acd sfu3Tes le La- ■ tln Atnerica have mside hua ao aa- ; *thor!tv oa the lands to tbe soatli c£ |United States.