Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, 14 May 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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NOTICE TO CREDiTOftS E«t*te of John Keolamau Kal a Al)«» Keoiamau Sr. NoUw is hereby given, that all vmllt<>rs vt 3ohn Keolamau Kal-a allas ,Tack Keolamau Sr. ]Tc>ci3t ur send tlielr cla!ms. Ja!y : verilied and with pnn»er vouchers 4 ! or d«l\ authenti<*ated ooples there"f, e-en ihe or :ire c«red l>y ni»rtgages on Teal proi>eTty, t«> ihe understgrie<T at lils olttce in the Purus B«nding, TTHo. Hawnit. wtthtn fonr numtl\s iy,mi ttie date of the first puMtcatlon of thīs nottce >r they wIH be forevcr lu\r- | l\tted ,•;» Hllo, Hawali, tht< 14th ' rt:iv <>f May. T«MI, | W. H, 3Reers, Aftmfttistrator. n. 21, ,Tune 4, TfMl.