Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, 14 May 1941 — Air Fuel Tank Hand Tailored [ARTICLE]

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Air Fuel Tank Hand Tailored

j SAN DIEGO, Cai., May I—Hand ,t;ālored !eathtr covered tauks jfor iuilitary airplanes, wlileli wlli |!iteraliy s\vallow 30 and 550 caliber |;uaohiue j;un \vitliout leakin^ j s< ( niueh a drojv of fuel, are out 'of tl\e esperimetnai s(aj:'e und ready jfor iuass j,iroduction it has been learned here. • Vital fuel tauks» vulnerable to &uutsro. )<mg >utve bteu the "Aehil-

.les le!f*'"of wa*rHroe hvell placed metal fuel tank wl<Je| 1 opēn āh(T' tlie eonstant loss fifelj '\vould uiake the plane useless forj |i'«rtiier conibat. | I l'ercy 11. Heron, loventor of the !m1: Neallup lankJt™\SsUL |tte H«r<m I4fg. Co, of San

(feTares lluii &ijj «ar i>lunfc 3<X) pertwit liumunU} fr<iin rtiis fato. ' ' j Thc Heron tanlt is constructeU,. »f a top LOverlng of !?teerliltlt.>, m e r : lajers of sōft sponge rul>-1 >>cr ar>(3 str!ps of a ] wln.l, ctiem!.any rea"aJ to gasbllnft wheo and;

"how?" over "thVlīole §e«l!ni; s§qje. It wus thst «iodt*ls of fche laale wttbstooOl H'lthei ; !u| fire "f 30 an«j 50-ofltiber maehiue 4tua% unusu&'lv well !a gtivt*rrjui<et;t tests ■•Tfte nati)re of tarsV*s 'oonstructlor) uiakes !t a han<J-ta!lored i>cr ccut < i )T vur eiiipov«» wīnfce womeii,' *