Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, 14 May 1941 — Dr. Haraguchi Opens Office [ARTICLE]

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Dr. Haraguchi Opens Office

i j Dr. Samuel M. llaragui'hi, has |opened liis office tor the piaeiiee )of niedi<ines a»d surjjery, at 187 jKin»K)le stivet, ililo, <»i)p<».site llilo jMotors, LtU. | I»r. llaraguvhi iviurued reiemly j t'roui the uiuiulaiul \vhen> he liad jiio!iyitai interneshii> and resideinj jut U»e b'airview hospital, Miuneaj l>o!is. j -lie is a graduate of llilo lligh \iass of VS&>. Ile \vas the | \-«ledietorlan of ]tj< class. j Following pre-iviedical work at • iiie l'niversity ot N.>nh V»akota. jl»r. Haraguchl studied medJoine af jthe Northwestern l'niversity n»edijtal sciu>ol iu lUinoK ui-n<.luatiiiy iu 1 1!«S.