Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 2, 7 Mei 1941 — Coming Attractiona At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractiona At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO T«iay Oi|ly ■ ue>LI>HN II0(>FS"' with Jane Withers aivd Charles •■Budy" Rogers Tomorrow, Friday ar»d Saturday -MaUK OF ZORRO" with l.inila l>iiniell aud Tyrone Power Sunday and Monday "TIN I'AN AI.LEY" with Aliee Fayo. Joliu Payne aiui Betry Grawo : Tuesday Only "POPOK CITY" witH 015via āe Haviilami and Errol'Flynn PALACE To<*ay §ply ' Tlih IiKIUIIN ( OF FIiANK i JAMKs>" witl» Henpy Fooda. j Tomorrow ,Only ! 'You can't fool;your WIFE" i with Lueille Italt jnnd Ja.nieS El- [ lison THK I.UNK 14IOEU Rll >KS OX" w i: ii (llou-stou Frtday and Saturday "M.\(;lNi h>N(I TAKAS" whh Leoi SiiUcdo i Saturday Evening Only "KI'KAMA TEXGU TORA\YARtr with Arashi Kanyiiro and Sawanium Kiiiiitaro "DAIXI NO SHUPPATSU". with Hara Yasumi Sunday and Monday "UllliliOKKE STRIP" with Riehard I>ix aiul Florence Rice Tuesday Only "JIICKT ROSTOX BLACKIE" wUh Chestof llorris an«l Roohelle IIiu!s<m "TRAir.iN(i Porm,E TROrm.E" wilh Corrigan and Pusty King.