Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 2, 7 May 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

<A <Hoofaata 3 Ka «Cakut J4au?au STAR OF HAWAII (Printed ln English and Hawoiionl

HItO, HAWAn, T. H., P()AKOLI\ MEI, 7, 1941



Tht Star of Hawaii is published in the Inter?st<* of the Hawaiian people witli a -vie\v of promoting goodwill and preserving the language and traditions of the Hawaiiau people.

Yol. XXXVI, No. 2

**KtE>e<scate<l to the Hawaiian People

h£o, HAWAIO: H.. *EnNESDAT. MAY 7,1941

Tltls eectlon of K* Hok« 0 Hawtfi U pitete4 ib the EngrUsh ian«u*ge f nr tix« ben«ftt of Uie " younger generatlon, m&aj gf wboe io j»©i reid ihe of thelr Sorefatherß, and oux C*uc# ■ $UW^nDtrs.