Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — Quezon Draft Gains Support In Philippine Islands [ARTICLE]

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Quezon Draft Gains Support In Philippine Islands

4 MAXILA—Mauugl Quezon wīll . serve his terro as pressdent | !of ihe Phllippine CoranionweaUh j goveromeDt, begiuning in 1942, ae ; oordlng present lndk*ations. L>esplte the severe Hlaess (apparentiy an aggravated tuber<ular condiUon) wlikh !tas ntnflneti flery president to ltis bv<l for the yast three iuontiis, the "draft Quezoii" movement is in fu!l Kwing under the leadership of the Naeionalista Party a&d boasting tK)tli the passive aud a<.'tive eonsent of ihe atajoritj of Filipinoa. Quezon told a speoial eoiunūīiee of elght provinoial governors that ihe was wiiliiig rup for reelectlop ]if "drafted" and providing that i Vice, President Sergio Osnieua is ! liis running-uiate. !' "If you want ine to run," he replied to a po!ot-bla»k yuesiivti hj | the eoiuiuiUee, "i'ou ~uiust al*o suplport Ouuena."

[ Asfflire<i Of Su|>port Th<> totd QwtAū (ī\at | U»er« wat? ao overwlieUais# 5 mcDt ln ail Uie im>viaotsg is» fuvor, of hla reelecUon aad i>olDted out j that If he was not eager to run, he , wotJld be drafted aaywaj. ! The reported dissensSou orer] Quezon's seleciion of o®cziii as, his ruucing-niate was con£iOered & [ §trategy of poinieal' face siivios . supporters of Assv»iiil>ly Sp<^ker, Jose Tulo aad FK>or L<-aiitr Quia-, |t!n Paredes. ' ■ } MJtkal qaarters intljmated that |Qoezoc fuiled to consult nitli either jof Uie .t"wo meo before aiaking his j decisioa. In additu»o, it was bethat the two iraute4 tQ foree |Q<iexoQ to reacli a "eomjM'omiae |wherebj \"ulo woul<l be £oaranteed |presideac3 of tbe new Seaate &nā |Paredes vouid be iuaāe speaker of |Jh^ aiwwnea liwie iKM»iūUty j UuU Wther YuW> or Pamieā would

i"revelt" &gaio«t Qūeacni 1 u etmigth. | Vice-Presiaeßt Oameaa |to have to3d the goveraors t3aat be i was "alwajs ready to aerve." ; j \ A<ktresMog tl»e eonven tIoB ef go- ! :vernors, Osisena qrged Que»on's j reelectloa, hlm the aatioa's |"9yiQbbi of progress and aaity ... |a man whose «tateeyQo&ashif haa |r«aeh«d %ill iaatsritj." \ ' Poor Heallh Discountjecl ; AUhough Q«eron - s illne«i ha* |t>een serious enougto to foresl him jte forego state affuira f«r the j past ihree suor)UiB, Seeretar,y Is. ]terior Rafael Aluuan declared |tlie «xeculive j«oougli (o ruQ thls gover£imeiß for |U*e i«j3.t 10 years," p iiaeum'* seleetioa of Oamei|a as ;iiis runaing-mate was con&liiered «ioee Uie Tice pfesi4eat, iunder tl»e &mended eocstiQMion, serve as president for the ia« )U».o ©f the foQr-year term. } Queaon is completing his as presi<ient of the Ooamioiiiweaih. Un<ier the reeeot eoji*tituai»endraeatSt the «rfnyia tq T _ terui was aboUehed the ,pre&ident was pēraoltted to' Wve jfor two teruis of jCoure*ch. Aftēr «eri lag two £e*rs Ut b(« aeco»d t»rf& i» the he

e>ertf»rt. qhpjwej woeia b« foret4 «M ■ " 5 Ownenn h»g snpparted Qae«o« 3f-onsfsteYJlsy thW «pl|| !IWS over the !»ue of Reces>tin* the ' n -ITr re īndependenee iAe*. Osroei?B and Manoel »pr»»se«f f)nanc« 9ecretnry, *♦«! «*» T? C-H act Ib ? h«t *tf*f th#!r 11»^ the O^ou, ***** f-r tfce f«nate, jki«c* *twt the mpssi??-e. f

I Group Mergedl ln 1932 I Qaesbi> went to !ta!ned the preseet Tjrdings-Mcl>nf-!fie lndepecdence Act with Tlrtmii ty the satne pr«vido£s"as the 1 act, a»d it was aceepted bj tbe PMilipīriw legisJattire, Bs x&i&efr of 11985 the two pro'jps Md heeuleoia- ' bined and QtjetoD wm! Osjneaa Vere itriompbant !n the flm I eieetloos. ; ' " fh&i tfim> VĒHTm^~4?d*)3}ic Oneeon has &i\*rrt~g*£xer fiow <»r inio his own bftcds «k» ,se«ī of tli<» le£i«Uiur« uat u*e <wrslrvtf* n>n)|>!elel}' ibe br&aches. I Os'nwna. tMe stin hSgb ia tbe |seco? the peopie« Ijsls b«£ocie . nr ?e*p Af a poliīieal aōllllie II ef obser»er% 'tef! oTit ??»&? *itlj Oaaaena a.S|Tice r!uriag tbe īonheoeiia* *w«i<S īerre. Qise4M>c woaid the 'heaA. *nsas Qveaoa ieeuU be assnre3 of caiiUaaed p®īlic*£ *wrre? "rff £overaaac»i, T&et t*f t«o!d rē«a£ue the wl:h iadejjeadeac4 i* HM« 1 Tl»pre *as % Itt.!e <r-JestSi>a Ul U*e of otwaerf*rs iWI O&ean wi>tl!d be ieelected. %&s »•? *?Tt££ tbe 1 n"sußiOoa \4-' of_Jfee 33*2mi$ af