Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — More Vitamins In Hawaii Spuds [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

More Vitamins In Hawaii Spuds

! Hawaiīau-grown potatoes contain lao*® vttamfb C and more T3tamia tB-l than do potatoea from the main|'and; reports Msss Carey D. Miller, |nnmt!onlst wlth the University of Hawaii AgrJcaltural Eiperinieut station. * : Hii« stndy, recently made the nutrHloti laboratory is ope pf several the esperiment station eondueted over «yeral s .,yeajs , that 3oeally produoed v^etables! «6 of blgb nntrit3ve value. | "Althonph we do not depend up-1 on potatoes in Hawaii to supplj maeh of our vitawin C neeōs l>e-1 baTefreah Tegetabigg s.Us3Li #rtilts «II reftr, the fact that Ba-] waiiai)-grown potatpe§ a,re a j sonree of'this vltatulu6 ml«ht Ue of j Jmportaiice unuer eni- • erg«ic* coodilion, Mlss MiUer em j T»st« were made qn the liHō IWI crops of new potatocs Aud |Jie ? ?SnŪY feliowed iheui to have ( 1 C than new potatoes growii' on the malnland. , * ] | Of greater importauce in ihe l ; diets 5s the vitamin B-l, or jcontent of Hawalian-gro\vn |toes, hel!eves the ruiversitv auiri-. Hcntst. j I "StudU's of diets of vai4ousi ij?ronps of iHHiplo in Ilawaii Uavej «iiown tīiein to bo skfieieat iu viu-» mln IM," Bhe sa.ys. "The mui- j t!on lalv>Ritory haf< that w)iite rice slio«ld be j hj* tmpo?!shed or parti&lis poas^ea. JHee, tarō aml poi, or potatoes., botii ( !e and swoej." • ,