Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — Army Visions More Eggs Wanted [ARTICLE]
Army Visions More Eggs Wanted
Secietāry of Agriculture Claude R Wickard urges Uie nation's poultr,vmen to push thelr produetlon t© the Umlt to reach a goal of 10 piillloii eases annually. B, A. Tower, University of Hswaii specialiBt in poultry hq&baftdry. reports that iiready Hawali is i)ro(3«cii»w upprozimately 10 per cent more eggs Uma lt did in the first three monthß of 1040 aud Ui»t the prlce has avera«ed 10 centsl more per dozen for the same period. "The increased demaad," $ajs the pou!try apecialist, "eaused by our swelling population has held up the price, and for this reasou poultrymeu sliould not fear a coilapse of price if they step up production even higher." This increased production is part » f «<»1 of Secretary of AgriculOaude R. Wickard to inerease prMūf{lon for the entire eountry to- 10 million cases annually, aad he belleves It ean be achieved by ample feedlng, holding hens for late «aramer and fall production and hy ftlUng iK>u?try hooses to ea#aci& mtli l*ylng houses.