Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — Halifax Confident Naval Victory [ARTICLE]
Halifax Confident Naval Victory
WASHINOTON. Apri! 17 — Th«: *onfit!ence dlsplaj ed by British Am-, br\p?rtdor Halifax in the &aal oiitcome of present war appt*ars as the ōne white spot on the iwar «nap of loday. j history of the struggie at . siace the war bejgan gives everjr j r«8»son to believe that the stren£tb lof Britain's seapower lias not been, j Uiiuinished aud ia tke eud _wiil piw , ; ihe largest part in briaging dowu pillars of the Na*i temple 4 " Ha}iifax <said ihe otUer day. j "We iwive kuown Lhat we I ould «ot re«d) like ful) 4 ti"eugth uutil iuore two yeara, ' J>ad $rone. We are Just ( K o feel the real effect of Auierlcac • i ~ j I He also stated that <sreat had deliberatel,v weakeued her po- ] j sitio»is in North Africa to eome to,j f the aid of <Jteece ;iud Jugoslavia» |
] The mea' Ureamers, ; wtih hnaginaUv>u and vtsloa. ' of all th!s. offlclals admlt tho nmi iuust ha« a "stal>lUaiiig backgrouml of vast store t>f rpohn!cal knowledge compile<l tn 2S .vcar«: of air corps re®eareb aud ' perlmpnt;itioii," I
' Res«*rch Not Sp«<4y • Tho ,»riaj's models, «veu tho Mwii! s»hips rt uow umder eou ; *mtction, *'lnYi-aitloiis," ' Tliov aro i>rosUfMs of knv£ j oars of ( <loVplol>UUMlt.' , j Most spcctacular of fhe new Am-orl>-;n\ w«ri>laaes is the gtcantlc |XBI9, ii«ge 210-foot-wlus;o4. l>oms>or, now undes, Ssuv tsi Moniea, Cal. Tho £tnnt tn>utber. dosi x cno<l wiih S,OWuilliS to onaWe it to āi to Kuropo &nd Knek nonstop, U aa eswevleiit a.«iplo of U>ivjj ūug* aud *levelopu>out. Thst W>mber t hoviovor, U &u ei*lurxoi! dovo\oi«iiont of the 1 oi«ber tho urm.v uow oiH v mlo» - tho R-15. s fovtr oniUio thst wwM rts~?V; '-.u'. .srr\nt>i ;)Viu rnojN> nymg, i'be iu t«r«i i* <m>o step in «'"O :V,<i d: s vr!o4V.VieW N\*CR<l thc .—: -.Mi' m ■■■or K>jk> of tW tw T»IT i IH>W m |MXHt«OtU«> Ofe * 4*ri» *c*to. *V "fckN* «WA" wkai r*t* *>t oumh ttHj h*V*L &s* M smo koaU xrith s«Mjf A@<l how mueh v"«n W to tatoe ««H| I**l s« &>«* «stt»*t*s «i th«. a *©4 thc, "v<sUm: Ti*ey *lctomi»<f tlh? U«d a pUM.UII #trr*. , •«* 'W ctvw <4 MmiVW4 *u>l acevj j ,Ij