Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — Railroad East Only Lifeline For Turks Now [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Railroad East Only Lifeline For Turks Now

| OUTLET TO PERSIA"i GULF . | STtLL INAD£<iuATE ! FOR TRADc | i ISTAMiIL tl i') —A ii£e4ine ior 1 l"urkey ro ihe outer world, particu i iariy to Auierica, while sdiipping, tJirousii the Mediterranean remains haisuruous, is tiie railway through Syria and Iraq lo Basra, whieh was j upened to traiTic only last July. 1 Aiiliouu'h s!ngle-U'acked aud, liandieapped by a uarrow gage ho ; tweeu Bagiidad and Basra it lias euahkKl the to export a largc j i>art of their tolwtcco, crop au<l to ( import ruamifactumi gt>od.s from f Amwiean atid IU l ltish &hips mieli-' iua the safe \vaters o£ llie lN>rsiau viuif. i While the ilue ls tiie xuost suUahie for high-priced aud light uierchauttise, theiv are plau* to iml»ort. Auieiieau buses ft»r lstauhul iiave heen sseuding out 10 carioads of tohacco dally over tl»e routo. estimate of the amouut o! t'rviglit now reaching and iejivius Turke,v monthiy b.v the Ba«ra rt«ui are as iow as 2,000 tous.«Mt iicgotiations are in progre?s l>e«ween rhe Turkisli. Syriau ar 1 In } «ovei»uieots to miuee deiav at the frontiers and incre&se freijiht to at ieast 10,000 tons eaeh wuy j iuouthi,v. Turkey provldes 50 i>er eem of the roiiius sti>ck and S,vri;i. aud irai| 25 jwr ceut , I uien estiuwjite that hut' for prevaiH«c \var risk hmir- ( au*-e rate?i the Basra n»utc would j l»e 12 per ceut more expeuxh-e thau , *hippiusj thro\igh ihe Mediterrau-; eau. Tui*kisvh *»conoiuists noueilie•ess predict sreat ini|K>rtance for :

Uu? rtmre after th« war beeauso ii is fasīer than. transtK>rt ajid | avoids Suoa Oan&l toli& Xh«J* ; H«-ve lt wlll be the fkiB.l flmswur j th<? ago oStl s*>a»vh for (ho «>hu*> to tho IwAk» am! that it wUI | M iUa ii> Turki\v ifet!u iw-oiUs of ; trun;a( rt>untr,v whieh it *>nHv»><*r |»« U»v itays wf earAv«ns. '