Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
ESTATE 0F JACK KEOLAMAU, .Noiiee is hereby fflv»»n, that petitiou and flnal account havtog bee& | fti«d Io the above-entlt!e<3 e«tate by |W. li. lieers» Admintgtrator; acd j»ald petitioo &nd final aeeouM wlil jhe »ieard by th* Jo<U(«f of the TbltQ. !Cimiit Court at tbe Cso«rt Houae tat K«f?ns, Sorth Koaa, HawaiL, at iio o dioofe A.M. ou Satordr!>, tl>e WKU of >iay, 2Sm. Dated at Kaiioa, K<?rth* Koaa, Ilauaī!. Aprll 4th 1941. | BT THE COCRT, Hy (Sgd) Thos. C. Whlte Clerk. April 0, 1(5. 23. 30—1941.