Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
- : ■ - - 1 THIBO CiacyjT COUST ] : . I ESTATE, Or 49Hlt KEOLAMAU. I «IU« JACK KEOLAMAU. PeUtlpft gis4 i®l Geor«e fQr U»e J£j?Qißt-. meut of w. IL ,af.J .HW» |oj Wie Keo-I ia«taa «u«s .4e-1 «eas*li, is JMastU «iv«a tiuu at 10 o'Uauk A. M. o^! IOUi 4 y, jm* ,**] iWJ os_JA<ke cto^ li*, Court Jlou*e a| N<?rth E*. aa, is *pj?oioted ihe Uwe, aai f%ce lieawii)# sai<i peUeioiL, waii, A»rii 22^0. ©X X.se CQtJSX* I _ B* 4Sgd). XUo#. e. Wiiiee, j
. , r ; - - ; - a Jii» cartfer t waclt i lu 1920, ou Marcli '2&, when Lhe flr«i ] iuail wa» setw froro Maui to HaWall ] by alrplaa«. Choc)Msent & lt-tter to late Frank J. Cso3j, theo mā- | iiftgēr of the Hllo *Trlbune Hafald, i whieh read: ] "Aloha from the Mttui Drug Coni-' pany by airplaū« lea?in.g Maui at 8:00 ajn. to<lay. This is the flrst aerial mail from Maui to Hilo." Quiet, affabie, busineaslik<>, Ch<K-k haa a host of frien<ls all over the Territory as weH as on the niainland where he is also well known. I He is v a n>eH>lwr of the Haeing ! A*s<telntioa of Manl, niember of the ;Maui Chamber of Conimeri*e »utl |Preaideut of the Inter-lKlan<l Drug Co., and he will go far out of his ■way to help a friend. FORT WORTH."Ter., Āpril 24— Yoa're all heard that one abot3t the boss takingr his seeretary to <15nner. Fort Worth secretaries made news here bv turning H around ane'
the only oue of lts type la T«jces —64 jaeoibers of a busifiefji Bon.Hi;- gāve ā ,% fpr tfae bojs.