i Meet iīie'man wlio sells Ka Hotu j 'in hls store. He is Ohoek Chotig,l 'owner anel general ninnnger of fhe Inter-tsia|j3 Cn., T-trt., of Im'lmina, Maol, who Is n gooā frsenl of tbe tj'awa]!an people. Wlien the name Choolt Chong Is inenlioneil alinost anywhere In the is!i\nds, it Is reeognlzed us representlu£ progress. Today, it is a real i»leasl!lre to' :have as a frlend a Chinese bQeh?ess man who is a leader nmong the ople from wliom he tlesoendecl, wlu i ranks high anipng tlie honest business meu of other raees. | ; Undeniably, Mr. Chock'& two i ,greatest assets are Ms integrity and < !his personality, Both <iualitles are| the sound fou£idatioi)s upou whieh . he has ]>uilt his. envial)le record.
'•Ohoeii Choug h)is *suctfe<led becau.>ie of l»ls..mcuiul «Uvrtuess, <JrSvcn b.v tl»e po>ver uf auiWtion", we 'iuoie ,from a book yahlished aome jears ugo umler tho uuuio of 4, Chl-" nese Men Of "He is prosl>ei;ous !)>• rcason of his .suceess, aiid he ls h.appy because he has nchleve<} liis Success Mr. forjuerlj located ] in mio, \vhere he o«ned the SU,odard Drus Store 4 as well as a aiim-] bor of other §ycc(j!ssful entfiq>rls»Js, rr}marnj be is a i>)jaruiacist uu <?spm iu q£ dru£ store&. lji )ie etartgd $£ |Slrtt uult of Ms ehaiu of «ini* |iu Ūm Hawaiian Islands bj opeajtS |the Hawaii Drus Co. in Hilo. whidgu |later h«eame the Standard. Thtsl
Ptore \vlss foTlowed liy the Kohala" Pnag Ce. in Kohala, the Pr«S Store io Hiio, tbe Maul Drug O*. in Wailuku and the Inter-Xsland[ Itoif 00. at Lahalna» Matd. Cbock, ineidental!i*, has the dlB- - of having been the first CW? nese to establish an Amerlcan clrng : com}ianv hi !!io TVrritor,v of Ha- ; Ih? iv iun on\y « «khu^p ilw C*U£oruia i'UanoawuUeal As«oc!atiOß, hut regulartj unaer*oes* phanuaivutloal es!urilnatlons and is fully qualifi<?d work in auy fir»t i'las,< virng nore. KealiESng tl»ere was a wldet fieid
all bls dr«g »tores ejcept the I{iterft!una at L'ahaloa/ ōf whleh he ls stl!l manager. He also owus almo»t tb« €4iUre *block In whleh the sffrre ft Ib<4te3. t aeillēg" kig stores he gave the bolk of hii tlse and attention to buyißg «ad real estate and tbe premetiee ot aew business bloc)n, H« lsime<tlately became very s«[eeeBafsl aod ranbed among the leading realtora of Hawail, One of his flret traßBaetion» of note waa in 1917 wbe« he becaioe rnanager of the Ooan Blook \u Hllo, now known as the New Market liloek, seliiDg it to the Hilo Mercan|tHe 00. ln 1918 he sold the Koa-] ! hane Bloek, opposite the Hllo Drug! Co., to Hong Tip & Cof | Estending his real estate actlvi- j ties to Wailuku, Maui, Choek sold| his Mani Drog Co. In 1927 he im- j proved the Lalakea Block in Hilo| and sold lt to Jame« Henderson, investor and mapa|ter of the ElectT!c tight and Hīlo Gas eom-1 Jafiies:. " H . jBtR ! ,chlidren, two girls and foijr boj-s, all of whow graduated from Hilo Hlgh aehool. Ms*alfrtßeBs 4#AJK-.!