Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — ANOTHER MILESTONE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


With t'his issue Ka Hoku O Hawaii finishes its 35th| year of pubiication. It is with considerable pride that we' present this week's edition, because it carries with it a message from almost all the islands of Hawaii. We are ! particularly pleased with the splendid kokua we have had I from the island of Maui this year, also Kauai and Molokai.] Past anniversary editions have been sponsored most- ] ly by the people and business interests of the island of Ha- ] waii, but this year the other islands have taken more in-| torest and nearly all are represented in the advertising[ columns. Maui has contributed most of the stories. For! this we must give credit to two very fine women, Mrs.j !nez and Mrs. Aliee K. Banham, and Mr. Chock| Choi\g, well known business man of Lahaina, who gave| considerabie of his valuable time in helping our represen-| tative in seMitig advertising space and in promoting good| ia 1 Our Kauai representative, Mr. H. P. Ching of Kapaa, || is resffons!ble for the fine showing of business firms on the| Carden IslaucL |j " To the»e*loya! friends we extend our sincere thanks| and hope they will all eonlinue their nob!e efforts in be- j half of the only Hawaiian language newspaper now in. existence. r