Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — Hoku, Kauai Representative [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hoku, Kauai Representative
I H. P. fhlng; has heen ' |the repres»entative o? this ne\vspa-' tper w ttie ontj- abouf !three monfhs, 16ūt he tias done ex-* re«ent vr(\rk aut3 iis nian.v ne\v sat»serihers, Tho Kaual jneōts fn thls ed!tton \vere also sent«a ftjr Mr. Ch|ng, who i>> in the au>- : \K!«tnent maeMhe buslāess tuid <»u»|a»tsslon agent. He lfe Territ\>rlaV lK!ismb«tor for Watling Soale anā ffeutt>r frf fh'e Lopea' euslora made |*attan furnitore. tuanufaetured In P. t (>' Mr, Ohlnp fs very niueh interestiea 1n Kami *M has bought a iwaeh Ihome āt Kapaa. He &!so T»& hu?i--|n«s» property In Kapaa. f H© born |n Puoaluu. Oahu. i Nor. 1«, 1904, and was edurated in iHonolnm sehools and In C7hina. He !ser*ed three years as a Jewe!ry a> iī*rw»tt<* and tvre!ve jears as a twelry manufarturer. F!nding it !vwy untnterestiti K . he dld f»t 1« eont*ct *with peopie np and hiov<ed to !«Uo wher»T!R> opened the Settl<H \m%»t Uqw»r Sh>ro. on Kamehame f llw ***«ue, next door the well { Wo Chong Chop Sot Hb«s»e. ] tee <»oa«<t«d vr«h ihe 1 |Btto Ohop Soey Hotl»« and made rMs honae In HHo, H*watl. from In lf»T he imarr!M tbe wiilew of the late Rarrey Httrheoek. * memher of one of H1 lo*s most «»|ed fam?ltes. They hare <*** «M». t*o yf«is of i tir, Ohtnf d. dtreetor of I* A.'it a Momoa eiwfrti <vr*aßt M Hon tVnnts, »wimwh*jr and «shins; «re his fsvodt*>
—H- p: "