Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — Thank You [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Thank You
« I t*ke this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to aii w»ho have cohtribnted to the sueotithis 35t)i *nniver#ary „?ed|tion of the Strfr of Hawali. * Wheti)er I eoo--tinue, as ekeuliitiou, juid advgUi9-
iug nnuM&ue, aaA»MitO/r lish section, of„this «ewspaper, is a question as to I am needed for any further vthe iuanagement. I hg.ve heen &ounect<ed" with thi§ newspaper for over fiye jears aud, have made every effort tQ make .U j self sustaining. To ,do aq. has meant a great deal o| To continue, to improve lt mand still raore w'Qrjj, 'incessaiQL, never ending, hard To naake it a complete success wōūld require full time servlce and endless correspondence. Whether this newspaper ean afTord or' not remalns tr> be prf»ren. 1 Btit on fhis s"peet«l nnniverpary ' edlHon ī wlgh to extend my sln-! «WhaHiM jrood wlshes to all J our Pendera, our c<jrrespondents and onr advertislnjf pAtrohs. ' Cor9!«rtly,
1 J. B. Dixon l