Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 ʻApelila 1941 — Pilot License Won By Man Of 80 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Pilot License Won By Man Of 80

| WATKINS GLKN, N. Y., AprU 2* — Thers'a ftVite * cooti*at be-, tweeo dflving ox«carts and plloting an afrplane, bnt 80-jear old A. L Martin, Watklns Glea resident, has, provfed htmself proflc!ent at botb. Martin, who m*ently recelred h!s soto pllot's llcense a£ter saccesaful- *© 1^ 6sasliSif& la sical exanainatiou that he a eommei elal pilot*s ratlDg. for the past two years. He is as •W« «wa»li6r of & <hrt> where hls sage aārice Saa oftproved of atd to the organitati£>n. :■:,• ' Ā - • •• ■ ■