Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 1, 30 April 1941 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. j 1 , - : X Now is thc to pkee your ot4ki for thote ' ; J *w©et *tid delkiou* Maui grown J ; . - _ ; <|H WATERMELONS and MANGOZS I ' : • ' • ,-:ii There is nothing tastiei fot desscit than a juic,y walemielon. We arē preparēd to fil! your ordeis piomptJy auei ■ Or, bettejf stO! 4 buy from your loea! fruit storca. baldwihpacKers, Lahaina mwkt*n* I We take thit opportumty ot coognduUtin£ Ra Hoku 0 H«wmU I on thi» oeeMion- iVt 35th birthdco. it coatiQi»6 t« f f «iihī n u imi ii , nunmiLii«m 1 1 , n iiimiiimiui iu iwf||iji inmml