Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 52, 23 ʻApelila 1941 — U.S. At Crisis, Knox Warns [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

U.S. At Crisis, Knox Warns

WABHIN<fTON — Secmarj of | Nary Frank Kd<>* warn<'.l (h«t tii#» ■ rntted StnīfM is tn tho xnidJsf v.f a * "ded»ive in the w.ir a* h? | C«Mlft«d before tl*> hon-ee »avnl af ] 4Mvs coiDmitt«H* tn f«vor of Chalr-1 imn Otrt VtnsofTs prop«s«l for le- ] w eompei nw<iiniion of la- ■ •fPQgY«BI. 1 t "i de o«t deslre to be a ' imoax?r," Kno* tta!d, "hat frrtto ht-' |*MTO«tioo I posw*i=<i f I Sfty w? a?v ; j!iew ia tbe iuids? of a d«-isive jw- { (tisd ia ihi« preseut wyrid war. \ | "We *re w» waii»g wiUt acutv% {ipwpieiiu; «mJ <ilfß<-«U proUieius of \ facqulriQg un:ir.iiuity of aoti.ni for ; ;pn»dttcLiuit iu lUe ,gresUt?st crisi* <>{ ( i«feis war. ] f "Btep by st«*p, 1 «e<> wy ewieio | ( K»dtuiiiy bt»injg e«cir\led an<3 ,«ed VuA if to J )»ito aow «re £igiiiiu£, 1 thi* ua- j i*km 6«m»uu<Vii t<\ ii;iii<>ii* wln», IMV« aMHIe IH» «*>crvi yf lWir i»k« for «»r imaieuU.wu* aiui