Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 52, 23 April 1941 — U.S. Now Repairing British Warships [ARTICLE]
U.S. Now Repairing British Warships
"• — Pirst Br!tlsh war>»hSi> t<> enfer f j I*. shtpy&f&g f«r rf{>nlrf: was th<?: Ma)aya and lb api>e»?lr)#t fnr 86cr«cy corering a<MMon.al arr!vala of Brttlsh resselk fōr r€»pair. $ecrftary o? fhe Kavy, Frānfe IKnos stāted: "We are oUt to help Eng--laad and for God*B sak«, 1»e!p b«r." J&āāa «re In the roaking tu i>re | yent. «Ulpe frotu arrlving durl»g ( daylight hours and sailors appearing «sliore with the- Dames of v*ssels on thelr hatbands.