Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 52, 23 April 1941 — THERE'S A LIMIT TO WHAT A MAN CAN ENOURE [ARTICLE]

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( « j. B . bmi: \:t i«t' vur uvt; I feuj|ii trie<l u> AUMke Llu? like souietiii«g worthv tlie n»naje. .1 ,do, iwl waut iu hi&a «b"ut >uj-«etf «r -w$ wwk, l»ui i vi«m eve»-yj>9iy who ha lloku to. know UuiL l U&Vfi u;eil iui tu Uuilil Uie io u UeaKlii v.ouJltion aos |«aaM«U )-e vouue i<> yas ius s njßplftg ( es.i>eui-f». a». vht? our euiplojes for Uave l>eeu recei\;iu£~ tig|j7jrases every Siiturdfty, souiethlng ttat was | |Ue\or kuowu b*'foiv in UK' ' tiUMOTi'. . ] I I have succeede3 īn j>cganiziug a' j>A>leudid «_>!' ..weipon jents. on ( iu-aeik'aUi' atl the fl\l& a featur<> tl»at tr«īs hy onr r?a<lors lw>fore. Thess cori ivspoudei)ts d*»vi«te tlielr lluie and efforis to sendlri£ us the news fi-aui th«ir v«rious districta» for whieV Umo' receive ao compeusatiōa. Froui a dirty lv>otinfi sheet tliat wu.B $earoely readable U Tkgs Qeveloped ioto a eleun, aeafi? prmted aud attractive lookiftg pusUc&tion, one tiiat its ow»ers āiouW feel 4>rottil of but if Uiej> ev«r fcel tbat Uivj* lin\e uever o»a<k il kuown. ....,, i FttrtherMiow, tlw m<>-*t ot tlve j veuue \ve get eouie» frow raoes jother tlmn Hnwalian. Potens of ha loles have seui iu elieek? «,11. pie wav jfrom $2 to ?50. The x>ai>er hae ma-

&ood friends amoog e Ch(ues*? aod, some of oar best t<!vertisere _ are Japam?se firms. We have me., |ral rortoguese wbo :can't eveu re&ti Hawailau but tliej ihave aloha for tlie paper and th<? Hhwahau people. Otir h*s donaUnl Vis servlrr for fonr years and has aot «v«« r«<*!v«d a thank 5-oxl, tn r»y «mhu*i«imt to huiM «t> Ka Hotc« tiriTll its InAuenop Sn t>eha?f »f the Hawaiian people «ould ftm<»Tint to storoeth?ns wortli vrtiile, !l both mv pum au«J «vy heailh. Staf« iast D«oe&iher when ! faii«ii in ti\.v ?ffwts t« put ow a grand hall, becauee peojplo *rlw> havo Wn |faiHni to renctor ihe |trhHe burrtea w«? throwa on me, |b*t Ulw « *ood sj*>rt I i*td tbe iWii. 1» wH>r to secaiv new husl !«e«s «tKi iiw 1 ai**> pai<j t«»y oxpwis?s So Honoialu oiiee |««k«l Mnui twkv. I «m6 wiiltas to 1**1» ti» i*n if w*s aojr h^ of oWainl«ij: th« righ< svrt of eeifea*ta*m hut wh«j * nutah<>r of t*e*>i* who $h«uld know b*4t*r &m«l« th<» mattrk th«t thl* h«<v)« «M w»s k*»tan£ th« Jt^ag I«n- Mr own b«o«fit tfa«t ir»s mort ,tb«a l w«id *Sii i3*kc« uion: t mttk« st,iieiJHMU th«t Ufnc *««th«r waa oau he (outtd to do *$ ;i it»b 1 v •<! s*^< lf <mi« c*n found ih*t wili tam -W v!to lunu»r*M >vtils o\w,i dv* tar coii*cted. i v,vi »-0 +'*>e.iTV *Vr «»e or th;< *<>*

iu 4 OUi <ii il 1 Ui||t }*wM»r pai lu «&s iia»< oai astte oUiwi:cre »} se:r\kss I T»t|jh! M«f <uw«cUta!t, , «vxK o«yr A&a;\\>t4*a *M l* U *Ul fl v Ust bl4 vS\*\ u I>v;s«:;hUs4 «w,.u *Sui< £or , Ks, ilUt U ife«. &fUi. sasA t^ 4 1 AAe: ;W l» āaLs!ie4 i vtcy ti MUI be 13X5 ime K>i , Wi 1 *wtt&£ &\>ui£ \k*{ mm, , «>Hltl,V iMS4>k «*W i&ewi w &6 t WKVM & li 4TX ,'UiK' v* liv & tm, £U*fe*« *«<! U UVo» oim iīw» 4ofcJi, msM. ht a;; u& h*ri l'uuu «<? vl &&& T&< mu <«. U*c. *v*iU niwk u la Ih4& ± ; ] » %WXC*A lK<& u> *>. r 'thai tandl Wi>it v «Uui, l>» Nk r«sM»t H. 1 4ee*i ( f,N • •«*>* >S*iU* *<VJ *tlfe a.*; > rm i^S4 * ' -■■ ,nw ; JHA sVi-U,t. 1 Uvc 4vte« %oU. '

] īe a iy*riwrat!i\r F.;.r f r .:• ]yeHr« tho cfnoors sr,d ;T!rivl'-'.r< bM Vld ā *, ti " ST3pposed ar-i.u;\Ttv mneh fht\v hu> V*;' jsh<vKltig. t*te4er ooa.3!t!..<c* Tt * malw lt T?ry 31Wcu'l for an t>n> 'l»lf>sT to fcm>ir Wl>rtbor tTt» jw«t !* H»r «• «!k*Tbk Mh- TVr iwnaHy, T thai Tl>ave r, ? tinj: m,v t!nve srvK »om»y—ir. * r,-. } n«n *?4amed to a<Smtī T an> īMme "yny f ■:■ !■ ■■■■.