Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 52, 23 April 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO Today, La»t^Ylme# •*HONEYMOON F£>R TIIREE" wlth Ann Sheridan Oeorge j Brent j Tomorrow Only !"VICTORY" with Frederic March j aml lietty Fields Friday Only "THE OISEAT PLANK ROBBERY" wifh .Tiu-k Holt nn<! Vlcki T,ester Saturday t>nly "THE TRIAL OF MARY DUN<iAN" with Rol>«rt Young and Laraine Day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday "SPEING PAItAT»T:|' with Deanna Durbin and Robort Ctimm!n^. PALACE
Today dnly "DOWN ATtOENTINK WAY" wtth B®tty Grable, I>on Ameohe nn<t (\vrmon Mlranda/ Tomorrow Only "THK VII-LIAX STILL PCRSTTvD HEIi" with Hugh Herbert ftnd Anita Louise 4 'BLLLY THE KID ! S GFN .TUSTICE'" wilh Eob Steele Friday and Saturday "PATAWAD" with Purita Santa Maria and Reynaldo Dante. Satupday evening only "SHIKI KO YUMK" wlth Natsukawa Daijiro and Kuwano Miehiko. ' "TATOKI DASHITA SHIRIVISE" with a cast of Japanese p!ayerp. Sunday and Monday I "PRIDE 01" THE ftO\VERY" wlth j the East Side Kifls and Leo Oorl eey | "IN OLD COLORADO" with RH! Boyd Tuesday and Wednesday, next week 'KOOM TOWN" wiih Spenoer Tra. <y, lledy Lamnrr and C!ark GaWe