Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 52, 23 April 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
The Star of Hawali is published in th.e latereets ot the Hawaiian peopU wit.li a vlew of promotlng good-will aud prea**rving the leuguagi? &nd tracll tions of th#» Hawaiiap people.
****** wdD9Med U. iheHaw^Pe^
HILO, T, H„ \\FDNK>n\Y, APRIL 23, 1941
Thl» sectioo ot Ka Hok.u 0 i* pribte« in the Ēfigltsh langtmge f ™ the bece&t of Uie youngcr ge&eraUou, m»uy of «botn do i><A r«ad *be IAJMEU«Se of tbHr Sorefatb*ra, b»d yur Cwh» •I*6 aobacr!be& " " -i
l a. pdcqn. Kaiio/
Vol. xxxy, No. 52 "
J\ Ka «CaKui STAR OF HAWAII (Printtd in Snglish ond Howoiian)
, APKLILA 23. i«l
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