Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 51, 16 April 1941 — DUTCH DEFEND INDIES STAKE OF AMERICANS [ARTICLE]

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js9a, Aprsl — miilt£ry u|.yasion <rf E#t Jjj#g* 4 wpuld jeopardize Am6ficān mvestments conservativeb ? worth one and a half.bilfio® doilars. ' , N of 88 percent of Ameiiean rubber su»piles, the

Asidt trom rubbet, the 11 S. is dependetit apuu tUe East Indies fbr nmeh ot its lia, virtual!j all of its QUlnine, aAd for snbstaDtial aiaMBis of palm oIL «pleee and <y ppoducts. However. defense hare been taken b> the PulA and In ad<!lfl*»n er«ry 01l well ls mtDed &od a m&n a»slgned to the tAsk of set tiug off ibf mtiu> in c#»e of inva s!on, Mai/i protectlon wlll be the Datdi airf<»rce as her Navj i» of lllile eoosequence, uieihaali&ā iaad «oics however are HvailBhlc aiu! ex bl£hways ar e for qnick tranitpiirt of S«htln£ forces to any potat tff !©*««=}<*».

&li of tbts htffhly productlve &rchipei««o into emems b«iQds w<Hi}d pro 1 deee aeule Bbori&g« ot rubber lo |i *be UnliMi States aad crfpple aiany |j ladßßBtriea, accor<tiog to American , iwWnw ws bere. , Two of tbe largest Ameiiea» rub- : ber own tjaelr owa rat>piwwaupn» Officbil Ameiiean »eo<vfle eaftimate the «f the«B two plaiHaJiī>a«. eaeh eo*«riag roosbiy 100,000 ucroe. at aoxe Uiau $500,000,00t». *Mmt? »er oe«t o£ ttoe sub»tautiftl Mmat |odies' &u pmiueUoa i$ eoe tejr an Amertcat\ corporatfon. it* properties &Bd pradaciA£ wells iw» w wortb uiore tbao i Motor» produced i» its l*BOt *t Batavja neartj 5500 truck« fi*«t year. • i i