Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 49, 2 April 1941 — CIO Turns Down Knudsen Demands [ARTICLE]
CIO Turns Down Knudsen Demands
When seereu.rj Kdox an4 Wta Knadsen order«d the ©f tlie Allie CJi«lmers strike bouDd for alai<>st in-o moath«t to snmmoa workers they were turoed I dow7i b.v CIO ie&der«. | The str!%e has deiayed eocstrucI tion of eome of the mosi iinponanl |"iueBts" on the Goyernment"s j£&i. ~ L'aiii #l4£i ig t±ms WumM Stm. .* M#££tiW «f . #trikers wiii retaro #Ji£. M w>dersto<iii itcw ,wa«e j&£i%ements wiil be effective asd ie iemm wiu he reirpacUvt.