Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 49, 2 ʻApelila 1941 — Papa Aku La O Yugoslavia [ARTICLE]
Papa Aku La O Yugoslavia
rtrnArEFT. MaUki 2*-r a hoi kp ae J« ka Xnhou o HanaR*rta ma la no ks p«j>a &n« Kka la o Yo£x*sJavla Ia no ka holo ana o ltt>na n?au moku «t«p na ka(v ms īu&hele o Tugos»av!a o maiaull I>anut^
This lnformatiou obtalned frojn a study by the zoologist aad hla assoclates of IT9 chlldren frpso 3 to 5 years, 275 womea and JB7 &£& atten<Jla« th« uckersity. All' *fce i*r*er racial groups in H&wail] mm jtuciuOe<i. . | Hwldoi refutlag tlie tuyth that a' penoa'a biood Ss "thlDßer'.' in the tropios, tlie scießtis! discovered th&t hiood Taiues obLaiued in hi£ w«re praetieaily idteoUcal wHh 9*kma obtaißed by other scithrou«bout the worid.
Minlster Yo>uke red with Hiiler £v-r one Dalf hours jestisrJaj. Also,AtUnaa* tlie was dlplnmat V"i ItlbheiiTrop, Aiulkikmu dor OaWuia and