Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 49, 2 April 1941 — No Racial Blood Difference [ARTICLE]
No Racial Blood Difference
Tf tho porsons are liēoUlu- Uien! *» to mcld! in Dr. Ctrtstopber J. Hamre, kooĪo^»! of the Univer!s;ity of Ilawall, told members of Uie Americiia, Cfce#jl<sl SocieO. Hawaiiuii sectlou. at.JL lunelieon held this week,ftt Uie Pftcifie elob in Honololu. "Tliis is eontrarj to the pQpnlsr bdief tliut soaie races harMejffer rc<3 blood cells an.a lesg gglobin," said Dr. Hamre,. ,