Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 48, 26 March 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO j Today Only * | "MICHAKL SHAYNK, I'Kl VATK i DETKCTIVE" with Ltoyd Nolau and Marjorie Weaver Tomorrow Only "THK LADY WITII KKI > HAIU" witli Miriaui Hopkin» uml Claude Kaiui} Friday and Saturday "JL,AiV'U Oh LIBEUTY", Cavaieacte of Actious !—139 Great Stars—2,00U Thriiis Sunday and Mpnday "TIIE 110\VA1UJS OF YIKGLNL\" wiUi Oary Graut an<l Martlia JScolt Tue«day and Wednesday •i:scAri-: xo glomv" wiiu i'ai | ' O'lli ieii aiul CoustaiKe Ueuuotl j PALAOE I Wednesday Only 1 Double Bill •liAXGK BUSTKUS" with Ray
I Corrlgan. !' KIT <!Ā]ftSO&" v> Uli .Ton Hall āūlī Lynn Buri I Thuf«day Only "I!AD TlOY" willi .l«ti»ny T)owns "MAUKEI' MKN willi Warren līuU ' friday and "ANG TĪK TIK" Kilipiuo Pīcturē Saturday Evening' "FUON/SHOGI I>AXI Xo. ••PUIiOPEKA O iA.il" — Japanese pic*tures Sunday and Monday "TIIE I.ONK \Yi'LF KEEPS A DAT|3" with \Varren WilHam» and F r«nces "HAUNTKD OOi.!'" wīth Jolui Wai'.ue ' Tuesday Only "THE WIU) MA\ OF wlth Frank and T!tine; - i "TAKfi:MK P>A</!v to OKLAIIO MA".with Tex and fliiuj Andcews j