Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 48, 26 March 1941 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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(rourtesy īiUIo Tribune Herald) Tlie site of the old Hilo Drug stoiv is now vnore Ihnn ever "That Husy Corner," Can anyone answer this question: "How is it that It is atways the brand new car that flets »ts fend«rs dented?" STK\VS ARK CRANI> IUTM;KT 11KI.I»KIiS. —Xe\vspaper lienelline Kspet'ially to tlie budgets of beer parror proprietors. CLASSIFIED AD WANTED—Man to work in all night service station. Must be good whistter. Appfy Jlnx Motors, Ltd. Phone 812 Green. 'ILE 'ITLER! If (Jenmuiy by any eluuu'e sho\ild snKvoiHl in ooiuiuering tlie Frttish Lsles, she niay be nhle to force the Rnp;Ush to give the Nazi sahite, but she'll nevef l>e aWe to make them say 'Heil Hitler\ after the \vay they drop their H's. 1941 eimile: As lonesome as an Orangeman !n DubHn on March 17. ABBREVIATING AN ORDER (Contr»buted by R. W.) Sl»e balanced herself duintily 011 a stool at the haiubwger counter, looked over the pas>tries aiul, after a few inlnutef: of inflec3sion. aādres!?e(l tlie a>unier man: "I would like to have t\vo haniburgers, well done; no piekle, but you inay put a little mustard on tfcem, if you don't mind." Without turning hi s ? head the 00Tinterman sliouted to tlie hort <. r<ter epok: "Ehuer> on two; hōt»nailed •, hold the puekei' aml make em uiriy. «ULL-ITiN

"No, l'm not BoJng to i>uy »ny new Easter o»oth«6 thts year. w FAMOUS EQCS n«.K>se egg. The <ioldeu egg. Ki:» £gbert. Mu^oUni, Foolish question No. 1,672,397: Mr. Collector, wiM you accept a post dated eheek for my ineome tax? Aml Uiv iiilo Hia» wl»<> thnnv t>is h.iois ut tiis wlfe toUI hor u» io iho doviL aiui sho wcnt rljfht lionii 1 u> iuother, SOURPUSS SAM SE2: Trumpeter in a swina ban<t a'ways gtve me th« impres«lon of a man *ufferina f om eolle. But Jf« the foiks who hav« to ttften to him that the moil" Fl- 4 SKKS N<» RAMO OENBOH. | —NewKiwip* l !- ] i'iu a .ah i«tV «« KUi;tn i>v>* i. or a. jui«M l s IniM i So thc pro«ecutina attorn«> j Mid to th« oppoaing tiW>r, ; "You'»e the b«aa»«t in the j "And the judae cried ( *"<Sen j t»«mers, you foraet th«V \ aw 01 a*. AND SH£I SURE WiLt

l,MtU* SHNNUrtHHt\S gouj

kissed on the fore]iead hy the l)oyf, l»eoau£e they know she will eall them do\vn. "A huta dancer needs niee legs even lf she does ctimb the ladder of success on her stomach," says Wanda Waffteiron, the belle of | Waiakea tr>wn. I ~ i WE WELD EVERYTHING l BUT BROKEN HEARTS AND ] i THE BREAK OF DAY.—Sifln on i { a New Orteans welding shop. i Another niueh needed invention is !u flesrible fender for automobiles

!that will autoniatically straightou iits«wn dents. j SAYS WAIAKEA WILLIE; ' "Do you suppose the ftsh ever ! goes home and ties about the sire ! of the man who tried to hook i him?" ! l'rieudsliip tliat tlanies goes out in a flash. —Proverb. DESERT POME NO. 106 Out on the de«ert, AJt blīstered and burnina, ls a man with flat tires From Ko»a returning. FROM SCHOFIELD BARRACKS A rookie was on liis way to his hunk when he aeoidentally pai?S!ed hīs oaptain wlthout saluting. "Say buddy," said tiie oiptaizi wi t h eharactferist!c sweetness, "don't ,vou see the kfnd of unsfona I'u» wearing?" " Sure do," said the draftee, gazinjr enviously at the eaptain\s immaeulate uniform, "look at tlie darn thing they gave me."

? | LAMENT 0F AN OLO VET j In training eamp, some years ago Wh*n we were herded to a shov» l*d sit and «tare, but ln my dome My thouahts were of the foIKS feael< home. Now l'm at home, with lights j aalow I iounge beside my radio, i To hear those reokies on the air— | Boy, what l'd oive to be back «»erel —WoHd War Veteran. ANIMAL CRACKERS Hilo*s new bart>er be a Fox' hut ho*s a b<?ar at his pi\ifossiou, and fr»ui what he sai~s he is liavin& ] no troo}>l«? the \yolf froui ] the tk>or. i ! COULO OUALIFY ] I S»nety MePh«r«on m?s«ed his ' prof«Mi«n. H« «houtd have been ' a boxtr lnst«ad of • piantat«on t man—he*s «o c!o«e ftsted, ; Miss Vorsi W>tt, the glamor jrirl ] |of Bay. oalls her boy friotul | j"ber&iuda Onlou," because he is sa! 'hie amt stronsr ! WHo «atd a Scoti?hman nevcr ; «r»b» cheeks? Ju#t wHte eut a ! eheek to S»n<jy McPherson. and ' «ee hlm gr«b H. t And ihpwV th^ t»»»rh«»r wlu* J<%hnu,v \vho| tMiiit tV»v> hrk, slio h:u? (o tako N'o«h ?'or aiv »aswt, |

I P«trieti»fM <« taking yeur arn-, I frt>*n around your jtri te d»p as ■ ! Unltetf $tates cavaVr> aallepe ' ! aeron th« «ere«n. _ ' ! ttm. 9 ♦***, »sri | <!ir nnAsq<ti;>r v.>««H> of hls vario\k< is iho [ <v«rtnit iWwu <»r old t>uUdtu£, buti that thm* is «o uiooe;* lu U uovr,|. «r«? *ioinjj ll f\>! i ttothinjr. i' And them*« th« HanoiuU gi c i ' wh « boa»t« thal «h« g«t« h«r frct« her la,th«r H e owrv« a dr>«£ *tc *. ( |

SAD StdRY At thfe foot of a guleh Lies poor Willle Jakes; He waited too long To mU some new hi'akes. ITALIANS SUFFER HEAVY LOSSES.—Newspaper headttne. Why. not maKe this heading permanent? lt would save a lot of time. The hass druminer in the hanil lias all the advantage. He tan alwnys heat his way around. Legendery: Onee upon a time there was a malihini who ate ppi for the first time apd asked for a second bowt. - ' - - _/ r i The anny will sooh hav£ potato peeting maihines. Tlmt wHI releast 2W,4U«i inen for frorn line duty MaehSnery .has taken the last vesUge of ghitnor out of war. TiME MOOCHES