Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 48, 26 March 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

Manaia A <Hoo£aaia 3 Ka eOaKui J4auxaii I STaR OF HAWAII (Printed tn English and HowoHanl 1 "i

; aap, hawaii, t. h., poakolu, malaki 26,1941 J ' 1»



The Star of Hawaii is publisbed in the lntere3ts of the Hawaiian people with a view of promoting goodwill and preserving the l«nguage and traditiona of the Hawalian people.

Vul. XXXV, No. 48.

| PtU?K»hcd to the Ha W

' HILO, HAWAIL; T. H., t n\E?DAY. MARCH 2t> } ]<H1

Thi* o* K» Hoku O H«w*ii ta print«a 10 tbe EaglMt Uuigu&ge # »r ihe beoeBt of Uie youa«er gec«r«4loQ, oiesj of wlkm» do »ot Oiw Mm ou, am
