Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 47, 19 March 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

HILO T6day, Tlmes "i'OU'LL FIKD OŪT'' with Uoris Karloff aiul Kay Kys>er nml his ' I3titUl. Tomorrow Only 'LITTLE NEI.IAE KELI.I" Willi Juuj ilanunil aml Ue<.>rge Murphy. Frīday and Saturday 'NO TTMT-: F<Hl ("OMEin:*' withl Janies Stewart anQ Kosalind Kussell. j , = SuncUy and Monday "FOKEI(i X OORtePOXr>E>;r' with Jool McCrp|i, mul I.nmino I>ay. | Tuesday ;Onty "YOUTM WILL HE whli Juue \Vitl« 4 rs nn(l .Tane T>arwoll. PALACE Today Only "(Matinee) "T IMI IU) A X AX X 11: SAILS AGAIX" with Atian liale aml Jlarjorie ltauihenu (Evening) ,i FHKYOKr HAHA" with Alurata Ohieko. Tomorrow Only «'OLAMOI U FOR SALE" willi Aīiita Louise aml Hoger Pryor "TELEOK.VPH TI.IAII-" witl* Jolui Wayne. Friday and Saturday matinee "OĪWA X({ A\VIT" witli Oannen Kosales and■ Rojn*llo do la $«turday Evening

j ' OĪOKO, WA )KYO" wltli Kaga i Kunio aml Kui'" ia Ki\o. ] ''IWPĪ* JTAr- w'i- Tliuito Kootnro | j anU Fusihitui .Niun'. | j $unday and Monday : ■SAN i UANriS( .1 1 >(')("KS" \vith 13urgess Mere(si')i :un! īrcw Hervey "ALOiNU THE lUu <:ItANDE" wilh Tiiu Holt . Tuesday Oniy ■■stiu:Lr or mkmoiuep" witti Lymv itobei'ts *-uy Kibbee. ■i'ilE KANOE i:i-STEI£S" with 14uy ij\)rrigun an*'. ->ohu King.