Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 47, 19 March 1941 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Tki» eolumn is open />>r contributions. If you have a good ga%> send it in and ue iiill publish it, and ghe your name the creilit.-—Koko-Nuts.

llilo Tribune llonLlil) A l«u ut tlolk-s stramed tlieir ej"es !.tM 11 ft>r this nii^iftg mlunin. tor whieh we' ure sorry —J )tut ii jud ioan.v <jouUln't holptHl.! i>tHause nl' an oversstay of leuve in tlu> lūjr city and not >nough time u> j:ei tlie ohi ihink tank reully woi-knii; normaUy. Hut we proniise it wnii'i hui>peu again. ln tht'j ineaiitime .several contrihutions, [iavf urrived t'<>r rhis e-oiunin, from ' \ ;u-ii>us rea<lers ,soint' of whii-h are i heinjr printtHl this« installuient. ] "THE HELL-BOUND TRAIN" (From Ra!lroad Magarine) Tom Gray lay down ori a barroom floor, Having drunk so mueh he could drink no mors, And fett &steep, wtth a troubte brain, To dream that he rode on the hell-bound train. The engine, with b!ood, was red and damp, And disma'ly lit with a brimstone lamp. An imp, for fuel, was shoveling bones, As the furnace roared with a thousand The boiter was fi!ted wtth lager' »>eer, And the Devii himsetf was the en--Bineer. The passengers made such a motl«y crew; Church member, Atheist r Gentile, and Jew; Rich men in broadcloth, beggars in rags, Handsome y6ung ladies and w?thered hags, Yeilow and black men, red and white, Chained together, a horrtble stght! t Faster and faster the engln« flew: Wilder and wilder the country grew; Loud«r and !ouder the thunder crashed; Brjghter arid bnghter the tightning flashed; Hett€r and hotter the alr became, TiM the clothes were burned from «aeh quivering frame, And In the distance they heard a yeli, "Ha! Ha!'* cracked the DevH, •'We're nearing helt!" And, oh, how the passengers ehrieked with pain, And begged the Devil to stop the traln. But he eapered abowt arvd danced with gtee, And taughed and joked at thelr agony. fa»thful friend», you have done n>y wcrk, And the Pevii ean n«ver a payday shirk. Vou have hu!i»ed the weak and robbed the poor, And the hungry brother have turr»ed from your do«r; "You have gathered up goJd where the canker ru»t* 4 And given fu!l vent tō your hettt*h lusts; riottd and ,murd«red and litd, An<j mocke:<i At Gcd in yo\»r h«t!I«h pride; You'v« paid fuU fare, so t carry you through, lt is onty right that you g«t your «ki«. For ev#sy tabor«r ij wt«h h!« -"!irtr«, So i Und you saf« my lak« ef **WH«re my fiery Imp# wīt! t?r m««t for«v«r s And a?l .n val« yeu «Jgh f*r * Savio«r* Th«n Tom awckt with an awfut Hi« eicth«s t«ake3 wet and h!» hair «tan.dins hlfih, And h« pray«<J »t h« had n«v«>* l»ray«d lj*fcnp

To be saved from hel! and the Oevil's power. And cry}n a and praysng were not Jn vain, For he never more rode on the h«tl-bound train. , -j Maroh is one of the colflest ,months in New York City. Just_ the sai»e the Irish lmd a hot time in the okl to\vn .Mondaj\ WELL, WHO DOES, SANDY? Sandy McPherson says he fails to see anything amusīng about this so-cal!ed aniusement tax, Iteyorts tluit eH:cu*ic arul eli'(.-tric wt>uld HUpplaiU the bugler at Fort T»ix for getting tao l>o.vs np for nioniiug para<Je li:ive been \loiUoil. The soldler«: olv ui nK\'lmni/.o<l l»ujiHnv. T!iey ruu't slioot lliein after the war is ovcr. And there's the Hiio woman who says she is glad her hufeband piays in the county band, because at least she knows where he is on Tuesday and Thursday nīght. AT THE INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTOR'S OFFICE OollecU>r t'hang, to Hllo wonmn : •'Wlu-i is youi' in'jome?" Hilo woxuan: "Al>o«t 3 a.m. uiglitly." SAD STORY On a hospita? cot Lies poor Johnny Heim; Tried to «k> too mueh in too short a time, WE'LL JUST HAVE TO LET HER KEEP ON THINKING THAT WAY

Unie Ou> offico poK iioan! som«? j>oople talktng about St, h';U!kk*A Duy. Su jflu> u «hinumek l>oc«use so iu:»ny of hor !'. i !;!!īv t s s %vert- Irlsl), surlt as tho |<>ysimtts, the Obaras, (Uo Os!iūiihs tho Okinos, ftut sl)o says >lio find :iu,v 0'Too!o's or OTnonii lin īlie ftinilly tree. | Cambridge, Mass., mayor, ! fusing to approprtate monej fcr a snow piow, says: "The Ai- ! m?ghty s«nd£ sncw and tf w? ar« | patient enough h« wlll remove lt." ! QVKST tX>H t«OAT (O^TS \owsivapor liCiUlti«o. ! WoM. w kuow of !oss oxjiiitsivo : w:\ys- t,i cot a mnn's sioat, | ■" | SOURPUSS SAM SAVS i "This jnctfern a&e is aeUino. ' mere and mcr« fm t "-&ssTbU. A man i c*n*t even be a pat*ent at a hosi piUl nowa<tays wJthout havtn a tc | !isten tc a racH«> proflram ** : «iw!!.' • ,U ruvo i,-c ,ivl ' >ons nuHo {»n>gt';in!. OfSERT POMC NO 10« Detayed en the dee«ri t« Mc*»*rker; He »teppe<t tong «nouah To pull down a m*rker. Tl»is tho hoad of T> T Sr. r ; ;tri,Vs 17. \Vt know « loi of !v,rfc ln SVw York l,v Uie Mf <VTmite, 0 <VFt*h«rO. <»'W» vn.!, »«y \\:\\, o't>UoSi <•« a rathor tmpr«s£tYi' r;u;„ c lUui v,»īv.-s fHsnUisr, tvv *«<! tepjet that the"e tw® ki«<U ef IHih «Lnd both K«\e S »ft vf but m*k* fstx? m!*tak? cf trylng tc Hi\ * e-f cr»nge *c A unt«*» >c«u wi*~t &

black eye. HōweVer, there Is one Big lsland woman who ls very proud of her Orange ancestry and I this is the way she puts it: "Me I father and mother were Orange, 1 me gra»idfathers and grandmothi ers were Orange, and ivery drop of blood }n mt U &ranat, and t'm takln» no sass from any MlbernaJan <Hvtls!" One of tlw> drnfteos ;U Sohofiolil B«rni< ks s;i.vs lio thhiVs tlit* month of .Marcli was n.nne*! for soldiers — because $at's all tliey"ve been doi«a r rhis month. BULL-ET(N

j "The war will eini wiih a tretoeuI āou< Nieai viewry."— llUlee iu hU j li«rliu spoech. i £DUCATED OOG G£TS TRtP ! IF SHE RETURNS—Headline in | Honoiulu Advertis*r. j And it she doesn't return, she'U j a*t a tr»p to tht pound, »«y--j how. j { ST. PA>«iCK'S OAY j And here*s TSiSue uu>iv blarue.v a jrea«ter prihied alwui Ihe {lrish, yort of a deseriiuioa o£ au ilrish dauv<? ou St. r«UrivliV K\o al | Mike LH>iiovan's; j l her»? whs k>«g-k"!g£eU Ch«h>,v ssuin" f on a twri>et, i i*ttt o'liourk anj Orosfs Eyed runvl. |Miw \> Itoouej\ Sist(>r Jano, ] i»aiKing a ji« wiih l*atrteli Oaue; i lVjr Mu*t>hy t just for >; Juui|*hl Ut» the !ioor and wame«i to ftght, , W e rhUrk«Hi him out lxfore lie liaū | u ehanw — i We\l the dlvirs <wtt lime ut JViw>j v«n s <huux". | I I Mussolini cai!s thc M«diuria.u--t t&<\ «a Maex Nc«trum, Sc tivAt» i th« lUlian r.Av> ha« i)een . hcrscir?a around U M enweh le a.: ' AN «WtAPM thi* tod Lio« poor oid WcFcm; THwJ p*t»lng a feu« J i tvir^. J SPO«TS »TSM j in»ve beeu ««Mie gre«t t*H« wx>rk « l«t of thm««, k«t »t e*rt«iAljr a anui pUn for f*n«r*i« j »«««e«*poli» N«w«. j"BACK TO VOUR QftAP£fHUiT, I VOU UTTLt 9«U<RTr