Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 45, 5 March 1941 — Kona Growers Petition Legislature [ARTICLE]

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Kona Growers Petition Legislature

iiLoua grower& are petiUoaiiis ti»eir representatives and seuators to puMi a sis-poiut program for tlie U£nua&eot agrtcultural Ueveiop- j meot in West Hnwaii, (rt*pt>rts Earl: >klshiaiuru, University of Huwai j couuti agent for West Haw&ii. | 1 "Th« farnters," he savs. are not l *skinp: for relief. Tiiev feel that they bave a tlefinife part In the to-' f«1 «Btlrtna! lln fwd pn> d«etlon and therefore are entltled W» « «<»rToo<i fonsMer«U<>!i in tlielr «ffort« to develop the naturHl relaWPW.*' j Thf« s;lx point prt»graio re!iuests: "Ati «pfMropr}«Hon of for

tbe further a*irveyiug of w«ter re •■^)iir<*es; tlie improvemeut <»f the old goverrtme»t roads, to be keowe i*s fejedēr roa<Jf, <o facilltate traus i>ortatlon of agrUultural coaimodities : tlie approprlatJoß of |2.000 for V ,rk durtng next fel«mluui. The appropriartoß fwr a fall-ttHje »j>eet&list or exi>ert to 1 «tudT differer»t phas*s o? cofTee ir»arketlcg; the lraprovemeCt of the !landlng fafllltles at Napoopoo har l>or, and tlie estat>Hshmeat of a federal foo<3 prodticts laspection offi<*e in Honolnlu to eheek oe tihe «jiißllty and condition of island pro-

You»fi iuan: "I wiuvt to ts«j a dlutuond ring" Siilesmau: "Tes «ir. Bow about o»e of our oowhlaalloe «eU>? Ttur*e l»h — enga«eu3eul. we<klliii »uOl un?t!iins"