Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 45, 5 March 1941 — U. Of H Lowers Demands From Legislature [ARTICLE]

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U. Of H Lowers Demands From Legislature

Tbe approprtatioD wliieh tUe p«iverslty of Hawaii Js> reuutstūifi of tīian tlie Cniversity asked for ia 1939 aad less tlian Governor Poindexter recommended in 1939, a report o£ tlie l*nivfi'sir.v lmsiness office sbows. For the next blennlum, tlie University is a?ting for an appropriation of $1,0T5,000, whleh would be $108,333 greater than the support

voted by tbe iegishiture two jears| airo. However, slnce tte le-| gis!atnre prorldetl virtua|]b' qo iu-.| ovor fho miioii'n! lipproĪjri;i-1 lte<l hy tho leclslntare"two iearā be.' rtoī¥p; t>n!veMt yl s" asilng" tliis ( y«ar for an a.tueant wliieh is less rtfin*» 20 per lfreatef Aan llie

voted four years ago. j l>urtnft the sam« perlod, llie num | t>er of applfcaTSts fbr adh>lss!ou to! the TTnlver«!ty ttioreased Ol per| e«at. " I The aia»roprsatlon gl\en llie Ūnīl ve¥slty cotitrtViUtos lo Ihe supportl

|of educotlonal Qie ' Agrtrti!tnral t2xperīuient | tV.e Agilcultural "Extenslon ]and the Psychologieal Oinīo, Fede]ral fuiuls am! luilīou īneonie supj plemenl (lie torrllorlal appropriation From 'lio «tu:idp'iiut of eeunouo, llie rnivorsHy of "Aawaii hadfiet ] coiuparos uku o favotWbjU wiUi apiiroprlatīous ina3e by state legislatures to coraparaljle universities on llie uiainlaueL Accordins to tl»e latest availuble figures, as released by tbe ruited States Offke of Education, ihert S2 land-grant eolleges and uul " verslties In Ihe I*nited 11 hav? enrolliuentf- eonipuralm! to Uw I (vivvi'M,s ~f Uiiwaii. Tlio r«- 1

l*>ri kl»<>w« Uuii 9 at 11 oehe fratu tUi>lr stat« l«gbiatttr«£j BJtuouuis in excejss of the lucom«> re-, ceiveU lruiu Ua» ierritori" Uj ike, Uuiwmu' oi iiawaiL ~ ~J The ouiy two insiiiutii>ns oi c«miiarnblf size wliieh receiv<ed iess ifcoui tbeir state ltfgisUitures tha» | did liie Uaiversiti of Ilawail from j t4*e tiirriwriai i«glstature wexv Uie | L"uīv«imq ot \Yi amios aud MisI sissU>i>i State C«Htge, both wiUi j :»maner eurwiiuieuts. TUe Xniverslj v>f FiuriUa w iiii ouLj a tew Uub< ] 4rea uiuie stUtlt;uU ixvelveo iu 31*10» ! for iuio year's iiKx»une froui sute , o»s $l*Too,',V;7, ur iuore tUan j f«uir tltu«s th« uiuoum receiveu h$ :Uu> Ukul V «U\ orsi t>, Uie Office u£ i KUueuiiou reiK»rt reveals, Federj*i iiKHUiw &v\<J frv>m stuJeut fotfs the rK)rivJu insUtutiou wetv ixuiipurabi« to tl»osc vsf U»tf L'aivtr-i-iu ot UHWHii. "Ai>iH\j|Mtiauous l»,v torriioriu.i ioi;ii>«rtiurvs to thc of iiaw*U 1«av« uot kept ui* wiUi tk|j. ioc*vasins autuWrs of jvtu«ieuts apiU,vUt£ tor io tW Uaiversit>v," l*tY*skiem l»aviU L, Crawford I "Tiu- aduvni e*|>ease af I h«udUa£ Urgvr siuOtfUt Wdies» tbe | ueed fw iiicre«MHi atteatluu to 4£ti\uitur«i servt\x*s to u«ko a«ricaiturv stflf-sufficioui iu ihe torciiar£, sn<l <kai;uidi tuade upaa Ute eUuk fw iuc«»a«4 lo both prtvatc aud affid«l UiU.kC. Xliv. io neoe^^." 1 1>» th* totsl oxiv:»so of the Unlv«rBitj, <ho tx'rritor,v been wwtribuUu« a diutiuUhiß4 »*©roentSMS*. A stu»lv of U»r suicu*cuu rtv«ak jtfcst hi t!;o torīitkW> v\>b }vor of the |o|«Nrtittftsc ; in im»V SS.Ui iper *»d ia& jx\ar, 36.5ō jp» I M#UV of R*?ttc«tio& |wlh»w» tfc«t »hw tiuu h*\t ih« ji«mt-cmM <M4l<ST* in iw Uwittxl rt«ri\«J » *r**unRpp <of totAi Hf«»l tl» «Ut* i*sisUsim> U«ia di« Of Untwsity of lUw^a !Mv> ittS.truvtioteA? «Ud īHWS la umkmnihu *',UvkiU Ux>& }« P* «mi *»t t%4tu^l «w, Ow I tkt*i •Aua fM\* ?vc thc umwkuphlM.. i K>ī *W *MWMMtetaNHiL c««&, I ' £*g«e |NLCI l** of Jljc 4etatil«ni j &>mc« 4ud ti»o I *<irst4 & N£«e j ■•> ;*Nk4*; 1%.« s» in* v4" | wsw <**** t?vHto I^H%; I Wi vt »«i« «u* «i' t lU*Uott 4U tiML-.iUJS.S3hI KUto3* .3k* tt *J i*'» v\hs.i ol 4fee «wnui 4 >.