Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 44, 26 February 1941 — Benefit Concert Slated Mar. 5th Dillingham Home [ARTICLE]

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Benefit Concert Slated Mar. 5th Dillingham Home

i rr<jc«eiis rrotn ihe lx?uofit ooac«rt for ifee U«»aliau Ch&i>ier. eommUt«« to Defeo<i Aaaeik*. oa M«urcb 6 »i -%m Pi»ir« . ihe home oi Hr. «ad Mrs, Wali«i F, DiiUa«hsim, wili lq A<ioc)i aud sujpport tor oa» y«wr *itproxiiMsael} £S rc£usee ckUdr<e.a oi v«J iou£ uatiouiLliii«£ m So«i«Q<l, ii w&s aiinouiiced. Th!s aecis!on. ro;ulio<3 ai & mwl- );;;& ol a;c Excci;u\o Comnntt.ee the Ch*pt«r, marks & neir dep*r* , tur*> !n \h? org«iī>tiatSon*s 4cth itK»&. J as tts ob>ct!vo herctofore has Vei n {1® W*y* th<? JMOSt urgjf JU butu«atU j rt*n of th« peopl? cf ' throujsb the purrhaso of aml>ulaEces ! and uft6bn<» f<HHI-rqg k!tchons. Tbe, latest aet?vHy w as dec!ded up-ou lr. lo a f0n042l from the 9av«> The Ch!ldrva FVdor*ik>Ja of N>w Yort CJtv, nrhtoh iv>ln!t\V wt thst ti*w a;y t>,i-ussui<Js ot tiWa Fmich t Pvitoh, *nd chtMrwa ot ©th*r »dtlotuUtlt>s whe II**» ««miikl Si\ Esn«l»&d t sf | th* tmtix or th<? **r *\ih | Axt» powors, m«*t UHt fe* c*red tor uu'.U &e <vf bo*tilitiv* Tfc» e«*t o? o«* ot' «IM«% «MWwu l* $$$ & ym» &»4l *a[ UM> I«M*n4M v£u*r*vL \>ra# >V*l, 4» Ttemp&im. »»4 Rofcpsi j tMt «feo «nn W tb« «t tV V&?£i \>*iv «iimi Vlw>ir $*rv|<*&, tt »s oij,nvt j «t th»l tw4 *U1 V siu -:\»' tiMlt«l!) $TM\ *hich *<iuk! e*?c! tw H tw tfc* »<pxt ; H* m% fe*ctt44.tm» m&' fe wtmb <m** MV } <b4ft *4NNt*4 tKI* y4*.fc «81 %»h> ih-e lU**iU:R okm*; W 4M 9sm ** t»*>x V«sa wti4 &» tV t^! **> h*M. «atr IM $«s*«&s t& o»atoK. t>w ; Witlrt be Hbūs«*4 ?o iK*s euk i