Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 43, 19 February 1941 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ATTHJti6NCOMfcU)ES! Re|ni!ar n»ec!inp of Hiio Post No. 3 jfi®TrSĒt|A America» Legion Thursday, Feb. 20 * at the Nalional Guard Armorv. at 7 p.m. lmportant hwsinPSB. Be pnre an«i I>e tiierr. Bring yo«r 1941 dties. f*efre£?iTnent«. CHAS. T. TONG Ad|tit»nt _

STANDARD SĀFETY SERVICE GREASING, WASHING AND CMUNG OPEN DAY and NIGHT Kamehaiwha Ave , HUo Neirt ?o fnrs eeooeennnaoneeoeeeeeaeoeeeeeeaaeeaoooaaeaeaūeni CAP-WELD TIRĒ SERV!CE | TIRE RECAPPING (Vapor*Cured Every **t!» New Tsre C«ara.nt*e H®rold Tanouve Gi!bcrt M, Oanano Pbon<» Hilo» Ilawaii SS$ Kilaw* Ave. Attention, Kauai Hawaiians! We Uke pi ewure in &ansuncin£ H. P. CHING P. O. Box 39? Kiuil kai h<«n «ppmnie«l a* our juthorii<s| f<«t tC«u«i. We 5* to uIU *s\& <-oßcct i«omy for u». citco£c^ Uim wiil 1k »|»£re«iate<l l>v lltc j)uLtislic rs Ka H(4cu 0 Hawaii P. O, Bo\ l«*U mkK ''' 1 f H 1 . ATTENTION! .. | . . i .. -■ ■■ ■ :■■■■•■ :'■ ■■■!■■•■ "I!". Lxlr« of Ki H<4u 0 <au oo* lae pttsvtt*se<£ *t the «ok of INTER-ISLAND DRUG CO. Umām. M«i lK» *> mv« Oii >Ale c%xl\ v>ocl. •t lt HMMwniMnn HHO POI FACTORY <Fom*er(y Qty Poi Shoj>) 2sM A\«, . liii* POI FOR MJL OC€ASKXNS Att <vrder ut A" paiu <rf tl*> wnvmim< . Milo. i Ol^a. - K i Kau t | . lUls3 . . .• \ rtU». Afhcmix^ » K*« $*} Sw«&n &W« __'' mae 3sbsl tkir f*i ,<* «.?. M r«A «*# (W-> $m> ' rv»!trr»vmioi\>i