Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 43, 19 February 1941 — New Photoraphic Store Opens In Hilo [ARTICLE]

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New Photoraphic Store Opens In Hilo

•Tn?t iVt Ave.,| ls tbe siew stort> Pholo-'Hailīo] Pro{Tuvt-s. T-td. Tliey aiv f;i.iory d!<-1 trihntors for the fcii«ouv AgfA-Ans. | eo line of ■ ra«ieras. fslm an«? ] plles. a wniphnv rc<-ocn!?AvT Uu« ■ past 7R year« for tW <juallly *»f' th<«ir v»roduots. | I Tn ftdditl»n to a whoie- J |s&le as well as ser\ioe ou. ! f»h«t<>i:raphlc supplies the fSnn wīlU o®er a <}uality s?rvlce ou iK>rtratL>. * 1 nhoto flnisliine an?! tN>w«»er? 4 ial' i (ihotot:'ruphy. )

Eart A. npiwpo Ta a»v to;ul!»£ li£hi- iu tW t»p\v (>ntoi"prl><\ Thi> lui* do»o s*ms« v oS\v'lt>m aaauiioui »uiii »th? tlic īatu*r T\as Kvn ;ui ontstamtSn.s: j*rofossion&l f.«r ihe |»asi 1' y^ar>s

Th\\v li.ivo īW \orj la ' tost stuit!<> o;v.morrt o*susjptno!U ana' will ln &tMltton to <juailt,v', portniit work fu(nlsh a hlgli s^\l' o« ,uul othcr le,gal , rhoto r*Kiulm«onis.